Chapter 486) The Best Is Yet to Come

Aboard Vivien's private jet
Somewhere between Del Sol Valley and Henford-on-Bagley

Sitting in a seat of my mother’s private jet, headed to Henford-on-Bagley with my mom, dad and brother Nick, my mind was everywhere but with the divorce I was about to face.

Dad and Nick were sitting behind us talking shop, discussing legal ins and outs in case Max tried to complicate things, I couldn’t focus on whatever they were saying, it became just background noise to me. Mom was next to me on her laptop, writing and editing lyrics to a new song, and in my mind, I was far away, back at Jack’s cabin, thinking about the last night I spent there. Just yesterday I was with him. But not like THAT. Nope, still nothing like that. I had not been ‘with’ him as in being with someone intimately, just in the same location.

Chestnut Ridge
Jack's Cabin
Flashback to the previous day

It had been one of the worst, but also most amazing and most memorable nights of my entire life. Sorrel was facing complications with the birth. Jack, his best friend Ahanu, Ahanu’s wife Hateya and Ahanu’s sister Taynee were all there, after I had fetched them in record speed on Jack’s horse. My skinny arms earned me the dubious honor of having to stick them into Sorrel’s rear end to help untangle the unborn foal, which turned out to be three, not just one. Ask me to do that now and I would run screaming, but then I was so in the moment, I didn’t think about it, just listened to Taynee’s instructions, looked at Sorrel’s pain in her eyes and at Jack who didn’t look as calm as normal, so I did what I could. One foal didn’t want to breathe, Hateya showed me what to do while she and Taynee tended the other two, while the two men were dealing with the heavy lifting needed.
I wouldn’t give up on the little horse in my care, even when the others were already calling her a loss. Eventually, I managed to breathe life into the little filly which she acquitted with the cutest little neigh you ever heard.

Sorrel was so weak and laid down, as did the fillies, according to Jack that was a bit concerning, I was emotionally and physically exhausted and mentally drained, but worried and protective of sweet Sorrel, so I refused to leave her side, slept outside with Sorrel’s head in my lap and her foals around us, while proud daddy, Jack’s stallion Trapper, kept a close eye on us. Jack brought thick blankets and joined me outside. He was my pillow that night.
The next morning, we awoke to happily frolicking healthy horses, the little ones bouncing about on way too long shaky legs while their mom was grazing and watching over their antics. I was stoked.

Even more so, when I found out I had deeply impressed Jack, he even as much as told me so when he gave me the filly whose life I had saved as a gift. I got to name her, I chose ‘Kismet’ as everything leading up to that moment had been just that, then I helped Jack name the other two, we agreed on ‘Hells Bells’ and ‘Sundance’. Since I could hardly have a horse at my mom’s mansion and DSV wasn’t known for tons of places to board horses, he promised to take care of her for me. He made us breakfast, we ate – and then he kissed me.

Oh, this wasn’t just a quick peck. This one was the special kind of kissing, the type that knocked you out of your socks. The way someone kisses you when they mean to get sweaty with you. When something is about to get serious. I am convinced it was going to be more – much MUCH more – had it not been for my damn cell phone choosing now of all times to finally work up here. Not a single reception bar whenever I needed it before, but now, oh yeah NOW, that dang thing worked like a charm and kept ringing like nuts. It was my mother calling.

I knew better than to send her to voice mail, which proved to be a good thing. Well, next thing I know is I am flying down the highway in my little car trying to get home as soon as possible to get on that plane for a late-night tails-up of my mom’s private jet.

I don’t know why or how, but Max somehow managed to get the divorce moved up to literally tomorrow! I had to be halfway around the world this time the next day! Shit was about to get really real for me, and I would finally be able to close one chapter of my life and start over fresh. Somehow.

The next morning 

We checked into our rooms at a local hotel, freshened up, then visited Cromwell Manor a few hours before the appointment time so we could spend time with my children. They looked so happy. My daughter Victoria had been destroyed when she was told she had to come live with me permanently. There would be a custody hearing again today and I had decided to give up custody, just have visitation. At least for now. Watching William and Victoria play together confirmed my decision. All I saw was Nick and my younger selves and remembered how much we used to hate being separated. And we had a larger age gap. My kids were practically the same age, not even one year apart. They were siblings, but also friends. I couldn’t grant them togetherness, Max could, so I stepped aside.

And then Max appeared before me. I was not in the mood to give up my Jack-high for his bullshit again, but he politely asked me to go for a walk so we could ‘have a little chat’. I didn’t feel like little chats with him, but even less like the drama me trying to refuse would likely start, so I just went.

He offered me his arm, I linked mine in as he led me to the perfectly manicured park, which was part of the Cromwell Manor estate, modeled after the one at the former Cromwell Castle, which held the most romantic memories of our relationship. It was where Max explained to me he was a Crown Prince. Where my life changed forever. Sadly, not into the fairytale I hoped for. This had turned more into a Tim Burton kind of story.


Max’s tone was surprisingly gentle, and I realized he had been speaking to me, but I had been totally zoned out.

“I am sorry, what?”

“How about we have a seat? Right there.”

Max started taking off his sports coat to put it on the bench for me to sit on, but I stopped him. No. No more of that ridiculous crap. It wasn’t real. It had never been real. Nothing here had ever been real, at least not for me. Disappointment spread throughout my entire being.

“No, Max, I sat for hours on that plane, I’d prefer to stretch my legs.” I said.

No, Max hadn’t kept his promise to made me happy. Or maybe I had just expected too much. Maybe I had rushed in, maybe I had reached too high, maybe I had run into it after my heartbreak with Rohan and the stress of graduating from college. And now I was about to be divorced. DIVORCED! My thoughts faded out as Max’ monotonous voice and his well enunciated words faded back in.

“Aria-Grace, I do not want you to hear it from someone else, this should come from me. I will try not to ramble on. First of all, I would like to apologize to you. I realize now that you were right, I didn’t handle everything the way I should have and for that, I am truly and sincerely sorry. I realize there is no way to unbreak what has been broken, which is why I decided to accelerate the process. Apologies too for prolonging this unnecessarily.”

“Uh huh. So, you are okay with the divorce as is? As dad and Nick wrote it up?”

“My lawyers flagged a few things, but I told them to accept as is, yes. I do not want this to hurt any more than it already has. That being said, I am more than happy to see that you accepted the new terms of the custody agreement. Thank you, Aria-Grace.”

“Yeah. So, all that’s left is to sign? Well, let’s do that, so my family and I can get out of your hair.” I pressed. I was ready to close this chapter now.

I attempted to leave, but Max reached out and held on to my arm, gently insisting that I stay. I obliged.

“Aria-Grace, there are a few more things I want to tell you. First of all, I want you to know that I will always care about you, there will always be a special place in my heart for you. You will forever be the queen of my heart.” Max started what sounded like the beginning of a long monologue of things I didn’t want to hear.

“Max …” I said.

“Aria-Grace, please, kindly let me finish. This isn’t what you probably think it is.”

“Okay.” I sighed, resigned.

“You and your parents, your brother … they are still family to me as well, because of the children. If you or any of them wish to see the kids, we do not need to stick to rigid rules and schedules. Just call me and I will accommodate you or them. Speaking of, there is no need to stay in a hotel unless you prefer it. There will always be a room at Cromwell Manor for you and your family. I know you love horses; you can always just come by for a weekend of horseback riding. I know the children would be thrilled. If you wish, and if it doesn’t offend you, I’d be more than happy to ride out with you. I do not wish there to be bad blood between us.”

“Okay, awesome. We’re all super-chill with each other, got it. Thanks Max. Shall we go in then?” I tried again. Let’s just sign already and be done. PLEASE!

“I am still not quite finished. There is something else I need to say to you. Let me start by apologizing for not realizing what horrid person my brother was. I have been blind to it all. Ever since your hasty departure and everything that followed, I had the chance to speak to a few people who would know better than me, and sadly, to my greatest horror have they only confirmed what you told me, and worse.”

“Ah yeah?” I sounded less than enthused. NOW he came with that insight? Too late!


“And you believe those random people over me? Wow, I feel so special.”

“Aria-Grace I am most humbled by what I found out and by having been so ignorant. I mean it, I am incredibly sorry. And my sources are not random. They, too, are family. Leopold’s family to be exact. Evidently, and unbeknownst to me, has he spent years being physically and emotionally abusive to both his wife Eugenia and their poor daughter Eloise. I have on good authority that poor Eloise is a product of Leopold’s violent demand for Eugenia’s wifely duties as well.” Max looked affected and it rubbed me the wrong way.

“Max, quit it. Just say it. Leopold raped his own wife and accidentally fathered his own daughter, whom he always treated like shit because she was just a girl. Yeah, I knew or at least I had an inkling, and I tried to tell you.” I was not amused.

“Again, I stand before you, humbled.”

“Well, yeah. Good talk. Let’s go inside and sign the papers then.” Enough already!

“Wait. Just one more moment. I have to confess something to you. While we are technically still bound to each other by our vows, I have been entertaining another woman, platonically, but it still is a breach of vows, however, judging by the man I caught you with, so have you. Not like it truly matters anymore, but I wanted to be honest.” Max said calmly, while my blood pressure went through the roof. WHAT?!

“What man that you caught me with? Was I even there or did that just happen in your dreams?” I snapped at Max. WTF?!

“We were both very much awake, Aria-Grace. I am referring to the cowboy I saw you promenading like lovers with in Chestnut Ridge. Please let’s not pretend he was ‘just a friend’.” Max informed me. Eeesh.

“Jack? We didn’t promenade and we’re not lovers. It is as I told you. Plus, Max, I don’t know if you understand what rape does to a woman, but it does nothing for the sex drive. Nookie hasn’t been too high on my list of late, thanks to your dearly departed asshole of a brother. I honestly do not know how I will react if it ever comes to intimacy again for me. There, some TMI for your tender royal heart. Keep the change.” I told him, unfiltered.

“I am deeply troubled to hear that but have on good authority that under the right circumstances, a woman can surmount such difficulties and find bedroom activities quite enjoyable again.”

“What are you talking about? Are you studying psychology now or who crowned you expert on all things female psyche?”

“Not exactly. I am talking about the fact that following Leopold’s gruesome and sudden passing, his wife Lady Eugenia found great comfort with her family. As you know the Ashfords are also a very old and distinguished family, family friends to the Cromwells for centuries, so her younger sister Charlene took it upon herself to help me out with the children and to help me make the necessary arrangements regarding to Leopold’s estate. She, too, recently faced a rather bitter break-up following rather unsavory treatment by the hand of a former beau. Well, two lonely people in mourning for lost love and family, we got to talking … both vulnerable … we both opened up more than we were raised to ever reveal to anyone outside our immediate kin … we found we are rather kindred spirits, in a way …”

“Oh, come on now, Max! You cannot be saying what I think you are telling me. She is your niece’s aunt! And isn’t she just 22 or 23?! That’s over 10 years younger than you!”

Truth be told, I barely remembered Charlene. I knew Eugenia, who was Leopold’s widow and about my age, I knew her older brother Harry who was in his 40s and lived somewhere here in HOB with his family, and they sometimes turned up to some Cromwell festivities, but I barely ever met the youngest sibling, Charlene. Most of the time she was absent, usually somewhere abroad, first for school, then for leisure. I could only assume she was the same type of sleeping pill as the rest of the Ashfords. Guilty by association.

He nodded, swallowed.

“Yes, it is true, there is a significant age gap, but Charlene is very mature for her age, and the heart wants what it wants. I know this is rather unconventional, definitely unplanned, but I decided to not try to keep this a secret from you. Out of courtesy I felt you should hear this from me, rather than read about it in a newspaper.”

My mouth fell open as I stared at Max.

“You and Charlene? You’re cradle robbing now? Fishing for new love in the extended family pond? And you two … you …. you mean … you are … ” I could not get those words out.

“Obviously not very proper, nor the most ideal timing or circumstances, but well … what’s one more blemish on the good Cromwell name at this point?”

My shocked face changed and I couldn’t help myself, but burst into laughter, so hearty it echoed off the walls of the building. I just laughed and laughed, until through a veil of tears – from laughing, mind you – I saw Max’ absolutely horrified face, so I tried to pull myself together.

“Sorry. I don’t know what to say here without sounding like my Grandpa Blaine. So, maybe congrats?” I said, not even trying to be politically correct or polite.

I am just glad I didn’t spew what I was really thinking, namely that two sleeping pills found one another. Lady Snoozeball and Prince Valium. Part of me couldn’t help thinking Max just wanted a mother replacement for our kids, and play house by any means possible, even with the sister of his late brother’s widow. Then again, nobility for ya. They just couldn’t help themselves but surf the outer rims of the incest lines, kissing cousins was the standard with them, so digging in the in-law pool for a new partner wasn’t that outlandish for them. No wonder they were mostly extinct by now. Good grief! So glad after today I was rid of that ridiculous title. Countess, my ass! No thanks!

“I was hoping for your quiet support. With the children, but also publicly. Eventually.” Max said now and that was too much for me to keep quiet about.

“Support? YOU want support from ME?! Okay, Max, look, I don’t mean to beat a dead horse here, but after the lack of support I got from you I can only quote my grandpa Blaine for you here, goes a little like ‘If you want support, you gotta buy yourself a bra.’ On that note, I am going inside to sign those papers now. I need to be done with all this. I am tapping out of THIS shitshow now!”

I left Max standing there.
I am sure he was waiting for me to tell him everything was awesome, that I forgave him and hallelujah and holy shit and how I was happy for him, but all I could think was that the entire Cromwell family deserved each other, and, with the exception of my two kids, could go ‘eff themselves real good with a big cactus‘! Also, a quote from my Grandpa Blaine.
I was beginning to see why he was the way he was, considering he had been around a lot longer than I had and lived through his personal BS several times over.
Just you wait, in 10 or 20 years from now this former good girl will sound and act just like Blaine Cameron himself.

2 thoughts on “Chapter 486) The Best Is Yet to Come

  1. Dang … crappy timing by Max or maybe saved by the bell. Not sure which yet. After that kiss, and the birth of the foals, AG was flying high. So maybe she’s in over her head or perhaps just where she needs to be.

    Then the little shocker from Max. He moved on with his sister in law’s sister. Good grief. 🙄 I agree with AG’s assessment of the situation and I’m glad she ‘Blained’ her non-support for him! Maybe she’s seen enough by now she will be like Blaine when she grows up. Lol. At least, that part of her life is behind her and perhaps she can move on. I just hope if she does wind up being with Jack, she won’t begin to have regrets by the completely different lifestyle he leads. Although, sticking her skinny arm up there to help birth those foals, she’s pretty much done the worst she might have to do. Who’d ever believed she’d do that. So proud of her. But then, she adores those horses. Anxious to,see how this plays out. I really hope her heart doesn’t get broken again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AG is in WAY over her head, just not clear if that is a good thing or a bad thing yet.
      It seems that every time she and Jack get closer, something or someone happens. Bad timing or bad omen?

      Liked by 2 people

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