Chapter 509) Storybook

“The finest of pleasures are always the unexpected ones.”

~ E. Morgenstern
Cromwell Stables

It was a sight to behold, the excited snorting of the mare as she spotted Jack, before she cantered over to him, tail held high, nodding her head up and down chipperly to stretch it towards the now smiling man as he immediately started rubbing her, snuggling up to her.

“Oh, Kismet, sweet girl. Heard you became a momma again … oh my word! Is that one yours. I know those two grown ones over there are your fillies. Dayum, you make mighty purdy babies, just like your momma does – and as your owner does.” he told her.

“You could be fined for saying such things.” someone said behind him.

Jack turned to find a young woman, her long hair up in a high ponytail, the color somewhere between reddish and a warm blonde, her skin showing the natural tan of someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, the slew of freckles underlining that perception. The athletic build of an avid rider, confirmed by her long, slender legs in white riding pants paired with a matching top and riding boots.

“Huh?” he said.

“You mustn’t speak derogatory about any member of the royal family. If a copper heard you, you’d be looking at a hefty fine now, if they wouldn’t just pop you in the back of their car and take you with for a night at the chokey.” she told him in a Henfordian accent.

“Fines and pop me in what?! All I said was this mare makes purdy foals and her owner has purdy kids. How’s that bad? That’s a compliment where I come from.”

“Look, I heard what you said, and clearly you are not a local, so I am just advising you to watch what you say about the upper class here, that is all. Also, the royals do not like strangers handling their horses, so I have to kindly ask you to leave peacefully, I would hate to have to call the guards over to have you removed by force.” she told him.

“Listen, Miss. I get all that, but I ain’t no stranger. This is Kismet. I own the horses who made her, I was there for her birth, guess that makes me her breeder. Look at her, she clearly knows me.”

“Bit of a lairy bugger, huh? Are you from the mainland?”

“Yeah, Chestnut Ridge. And I have no idea what you just called me.”

“You’re a long way from home, cowboy. Well, I am the horse trainer here at Cromwell Stables.”

“Horse trainer?! Ah nah! Not another one of those. Look, nothing personal, but the last horse trainer I got too close with ended up dragging me through a nasty divorce, some baby drama, and I lost my best friend over it. Well, one of them at least, luckily, I still got Connor and he ain’t gonna play me dirty like all that. But sorry, I think I better go.” Jack said, right as Kismet gave him a hard nudge, upset that he stopped giving her attention, it caught him half in step and off guard, so he stumbled against the horse trainer, causing both to lose balance and all Jack could do was put out his arms to keep him from squishing her as both landed in the soft grass, him atop her.

“Argh crap! You all right, Miss? Didn’t hurt ya, did I?” Jack’s voice was full of concern as he scrambled up, then helped her up.

She seemed unharmed as she pat dirt and grass of herself, then looked straight at him.

“I train horses for a living, means the grass and my bum are well acquainted.” she said.

Jack couldn’t help but laugh.

“Was more worried about you hittin’ yer purdy head, but yeah, I know. I trained some horses and spent my fair share of time on my ass. Oh sorry, on my … back.”

“We all fall on our arses, just as we fall on hard times. Such is life. And lucky for me, I have a hard head too. Cheerio.” she told him, then started to walk off, towards the stables.

“Hey, I am Jack by the way. Kershaw. Jack Kershaw.”

She didn’t even stop.

“Have a nice day then, Jack Kershaw.”

Inhaling, while rubbing his temple, uncertain what to do, Jack remained when he saw her halt, turn to him.

“I am Izzy.”

“Well, been nice meetin’ ya, Izzy!” Jack called over, smiling.

Smiling, she waved, then turned around and disappeared in the stables.

Jack inhaled, then looked at Kismet.

“Well, whatcha think about all that now? Some bullshit, huh, girl? Can’t even talk about the mother of my child now. Or talk to you the way we do. What have I gotten myself into? Again.”

A startled scream interrupted them, both turned to look on to find Izzy on the ground on her back in the other paddock, next to her reigns, a leading rope and a saddle, as she was scrambling up, clearly aching, while a white horse was bucking, kicking its feet running around the paddock away from Izzy, only to run at top speed back at her.

“Oh shit!” Jack said, already running, setting over the fence with one smooth long and high jump, running towards the horse waving his arms up, while shielding Izzy, yelling at the top of his lungs. It worked, the horse put on the brakes to neigh and look at him, throwing her head up and shaking it, then rearing up, before running back to the fence, jumping over it – and off she was, running across the rolling hills.

“Oh no! NO NO NO! THE HORSE! NOOOO! White Magic nooooo, come back here, girl! Oh please, please, come back! NOOOO!” Izzy exclaimed, panicked and horrified.

“You okay?” Jack asked.

“No, I am far from okay! The horse! They’ll kill me for letting her run off! She doesn’t listen. She won’t come if called! I am so getting fired! And then I have to pay for this horse, a prized brood mare, which will take me the rest of my life! I’ll go to jail for this.” Izzy was beside herself in a total panic.

Jack turned around, ran over to the other paddock, whistled, Kismet looked up and ran over to him, he pulled her out of the gate, his hands dug into her mane hard as he swung himself onto her back without even stopping to remove her paddock blanket, kicked his heels into her sides. Kismet immediately ran after the runaway horse, her hooves creating a sound like thunder.

About half an hour later Izzy dropped the water bucket she was carrying when she spotted him on the horizon, approaching fast, riding the stubborn mare, with Kismet cantering after them like a puppy, unsaddled, without even a rope.

Stunned and in disbelief, Izzy watched the scene until Jack rode past her, over to the entrance of the stables, where he dismounted, never letting go of the mare’s mane, led her inside, where Izzy caught up with him. Jack turned to her, looking at her past the mare.

“Which one is hers?”

Speechless, Izzy pointed at a box, to which Jack lead the horse, guided her inside then pat the horses neck.

“Got an apple?” he asked Izzy.

“Carrots, right there.” she pointed at a wooden box outside the box.

“Nah, apples work better. Sweeter. They all got a sweet tooth. The way to their heart, especially if they are like this crunchy broad here.”

Izzy hurried off, then returned with an arm full of apples, Jack grabbed one and fed it to the mare who took it greedily, closing her eyes as she munched on it, then stuck her head out trying to grab one from Izzy but Jack roughly nudged the horse’s neck, shaking his head.

“Nuh uh! You don’t deserve more. You had quite the adventure, you need to have a sip of water and chill out and think about what you did wrong. You’re grounded for the night, Missy. If you are a good girl now, I might be back with some apples for ya tomorrow.”

Jack pat the horse again, then exited, closing the box, grabbing two apples from Izzy and left. She followed him and saw him feed Kismet, as he hugged her, planting kisses on the horse’s neck, before bringing her back to her paddock, where her foal was more than eagerly awaiting her return. Jack bit off some apple and handed it to the foal, who sniffed it, when his momma nudged him, so he grabbed the fruit heartily, and Jack gave the rest to Kismet.

As he left the paddock, Izzy looked up at him.

“You impressed me. Wow. I have never seen anything like this. You’re not afraid of anything, are you?” Izzy told him.

“Just how we do what we do where I come from, Miss Izzy.” Jack tipped his hat.

“Jack, would you like some tea? I live right here. There are apartments above. The Royal Equerry lives here too, but he’s away on family business. Most of the workers are off for the day already, early shift, the others had to drive to the next big town, as we had rats in the feed, they contaminated it, so we needed to replace it. I feel like I owe you at least a refreshment, considering you saved me today. You’re a hero.”

“Nah, but if you wanna do me a solid, you can make it iced tea. Admit I could use a sip or two.” Jack countered.

“Coffee?” Izzy offered.

“All right, I could use some coffee.”

He followed her to a door, leading to stairs, which lead to a landing with apartment doors. Izzy unlocked one, Jack followed her into a surprisingly modern, mid-sized apartment.

“Not bad.” he whistled through his teeth.

“It is very nice, and if anything breaks, all I do is call a number at the palace and within an hour it’s fixed or replaced. It’s a sweet deal. Plus, everything comes free with the job, I just have to buy my own food. One of the reasons I jumped in with both legs. And I almost lost all this, had it not been for your heroism.” she told him while preparing the coffee.

With a huff, Jack just waved it off, and stood by while Izzy went about her task.

“You can look around. Or sit down.” she told him.

“Nah, I am filthy. I’ll stand. It’s fine, not planning on staying long. Just a sip of coffee and I’ll be off like White Magic was.” Jack said as he took his hat off and tossed it on a chair.

With the coffee machine gargling, Izzy turned around, walked over to him and gave him an intense look.

“You’re amazing. Like the perfect man.” she said with unbridled admiration in her voice, reflecting in her eyes.

Jack smiled embarrassed, scratching his head, hoping the feeling of blushing he felt wasn’t visible to her, while also secretly enjoying the way Izzy looked at him. Which man didn’t want to be a hero to a pretty girl and have her look at him like this?

She gently took his hand into both of hers, ran her finger over the rough skin.

“You work with your hands. So rough.” she deduced.

“Sure do.”

“Goodness, you are absolutely everything. I didn’t think men like you really existed outside of romance novels. I can’t believe you are real. And the way you speak, that accent … hmmm.”

“Darlin’, I ain’t all that, nothin’ for any novels. I am the cautionary tale parents tell to scare their kids straight. I am …”

That was as far as Jack got, before his lips were sealed with a kiss, passionate and demanding, while busy fingers started pulling up his shirt, Izzy’s fingers feeling like little butterflies against his skin. Jack didn’t stop it. It felt too good.

By the time he left Izzy’s apartment the coffee was cold and utterly untouched, but Jack wore a smile.

Cromwell Palace
Great Dining Hall
The next morning

The next morning, at breakfast, Jack cleared his throat.

“Umm, Max and AG, if the offer to make my one-time visit here more … umm … frequent, I’d like to take ya up on it and would like to come back. One day. Soon.” he said, hoping nobody would question why the change of heart.

Nobody said anything, but Connor’s head shot up, his eyes burning holes into Jack, before trading confused looks with Keira.

“Mummy, daddy, if Jack comes back, can he teach me how to ride like he does?” Victoria exclaimed excitedly.

“Oh, baby, you have to ask him yourself, it’s impolite to speak about those present in the third person.” AG smiled at her daughter.

“Jack, will you teach me? Pleeeeease?” Victoria directed her question at him.

“Sure thing, Princess Victoria, how could I say no to you? If your mom and dad are okay with it that is.” Jack told the 8-year-old, as her father replied.

“Naturally. That would be very welcome indeed, your repeat visit and the offer to satisfy our very forward daughter’s very forward request. As long as she promises to not forget how to ride proper.” Max said with the slight reprimand in his voice any father would know.

“Of course not, daddy.”

“Will you be bringing all your horses here next time? I’d love to meet them. Mummy speaks about them a lot ” William inquired.

“Goodness, kid, I’d love to do that for ya, but I don’t have a suitcase big enough, young prince. Don’t think they can swim that far. Know I can’t.” Jack chuckled.

“Daddy can bring them here. He can do anything. He’s the king.” William proclaimed proudly.

“William, please, mind your manners. We must never do that. Hubris is never appropriate. You know better.” Max gently, but firmly corrected his son.

“But it’s true. You CAN do anything. You even got mummy back.” William insisted, inciting nods by his younger sister too.

Connor and Keira exchanged concerned looks, then looked at Jack, who was busy finishing the food on his plate, seemingly unfazed, so Connor shrugged at Keira.

“William, this is hardly appropriate table conversation, wouldn’t you say? I appreciate your admiration and faith in my abilities, but that should maybe have been a vis-à-vis type conversation, don’t you think? We do not want to hurt the feelings of others with careless banter, do we?” Max said.

“Never hone someone in front of others, especially not about controversial subjects. That is considered rude. Only discuss light topics such as complimenting their dress or a special learned skill, and do not engage if anyone brings up anything controversial. Have you forgotten everything they teach in etiquette class?” Victoria recited, then shook her head at her older brother, who rolled his eyes but remained silent.

“Very good, Victoria, bravo! I am very proud of you for remembering it all so well. I am sure William does as well, it only temporarily slipped his mind, an honest little mistake. As a future king he wouldn’t forget such essential basics, isn’t that right, William?” Max came to his son’s aid.

The boy nodded, then looked up at Jack.

“Sorry Jack. I am just so happy mummy is back that I forgot it might make you feel uncomfortable. Mummy, daddy, may I be excused from the table now, please?”

“No worries, kiddo. All good.” Jack smiled.

“Well then, run along, you too Victoria if you like.” Max allowed.

The kids scurried out, as soon as they were out of hearing distance, Jack turned to Max.

“Ya didn’t have to do that on my account, he’s just a little kid, kids blurt random stuff. Things will probably always be awkward for all of us. Poor kid. Hope he doesn’t hate me now for getting reaming by his daddy on my account.”

“Oh, Jack, of course he won’t!” AG said.

“Hey, if it’s all the same, I think Keke and I will go check on our son and your youngest daughter. We thought about taking Chris for a walk in the country, and would love to take Viv with us, if that’s okay with you all. Jack, wanna come?” Connor offered.

Jack looked at AG and Max, who both shrugged.

“If it is fine with them for Viv to join ya, it is fine with me. But I’ll pass, you guys have fun.” Jack said. Keira leaned forward.

“Okay, guess we will see you guys later then. Oh, Max and AG, thanks again for letting us stay here. This is absolutely incredible, this palace is stunning, the food is amazing, and my artist heart is singing with all the influences I am getting here. I am going to be so productive once we get back home, I think I’ll be ready for my first vernissage by summer after all, I had some creative block, thought I might have to cancel, but now I am so inspired, can’t wait to get started! And you will have to come as my guests of honor.” Keira rambled on, chipperly.

“It would be our greatest pleasure, Keira.” Max said gallantly.

Once they left, Max turned to Jack, who had just polished off his second plate, and put down his finished fourth cup of coffee, making AG wonder if he had a hollow leg, while Max addressed him.

“Jack, life at palace has changed significantly since Aria-Grace taught me that a revision was well overdue, and not only to assure her happiness, but there are just some rigid rules that will always have to remain. Our children have ample time to do as they please, but there are lessons they must take, outside of school. The formal education for any royal family will always be a must, not an option. As much as I try to respect your wishes, your daughter will have to go through the same schooling, learn proper etiquette and such, for she lives at the palace and the rules apply to all, plus she has to be able to properly present herself while representing all of us. Whenever she visits with you, you have the choice, as long as it is safe for her and not immoral behavior. As you might say, your house, your rules, my house, my rules. I hope you understand and maybe even agree.” Max said.

“Yah, sure. I do. I get it. Sorry. Didn’t mean to rear-end your parenting.” Jack said.

“Please, don’t apologize. I do understand how very different, and in some cases unnecessary some of our rules here must seem to you, I have lived the civil life myself before and know there is a big difference, but all those rules are still in place for good reason. My lovely wife would agree, do you not, queen of my heart?”

“I do. He’s right, Jack. We have to be firm with them on some matters, and once she’s older it will be best for Viv if she is raised no different than her older siblings. It is already going to be strange enough if she goes to stay with you and they won’t.” AG told him.

“Ah, that’s no biggie. Send ’em along! Just gimme some time to build on to the cabin, so I got room for them. Jackson and I were planning to build a lil room for Viv as soon as I get back, might as well build two more, just gotta recalculate and build the framing bigger. No big deal.”

“Ahem, Jack, as delighted as I am by your kind offer, I think it might not be the best idea, considering William is the heir to the crown. Sadly, for him that means that he is a little more restricted, as I was growing up. Similar idea as to why your president and vice-president must never travel together. Victoria will be free to visit you, if she so wishes.”

“Oh. Okay. Well, I just don’t want him to think I only like his sisters though …” Jack frowned, Max shrugged.

“William knows things will be different for him and understands. Just as I did. He will have many privileges, but alas they come with certain restrictions. I only defied my father’s wishes on one count, but that persistently, and I am more than glad I did. When a prince or princess, especially the heir to the throne, comes of age, there are debutante balls, to get him acquainted with the available bachelorettes of the proper age and social standing for him. I refused vehemently to attend, let alone to choose a future wife from an assortment handpicked for me by my parents. Which is why I was allowed to study abroad, my parents undoubtedly hoped that me meeting young commoner girls would get whatever notions I had in my head out of my system. So, I would study one semester here, then transfer elsewhere for the next, which eventually lead me to Britchester, where I stayed until I graduated … the reason for that is now, once more, my beautiful wife. My steadfast reluctancy to choose a bride made my father a lot more willing to accept my choice when I introduced them to Aria-Grace, despite her being a commoner. You knew we met at university, Aria-Grace and I, did you not?” Max reminisced.

“I didn’t. Cool story though.” Jack admitted, when AG spoke up.

“Gets cooler yet. Max never once let on who he was at uni, I thought he was some cute, shy nerd with a heart of gold, I was thrilled finding out whose daughter I was didn’t make him act differently, I had to tell, considering I had security follow me around everywhere, and somehow he always managed to answer my questions without having to lie, nor letting the cat out of the bag. I was absolutely oblivious, as was my entire family, they all met him many times, he even spent the entire semester break and Thanksgiving with my family and me in Del Sol Valley and never even dropped a hint. I didn’t find out who he really was until we literally arrived at this palace for the very first time. And I thought I had experienced stage fright before. Whoa Nelly, nothing came even close to this, not even when I took the stage in front of a huge crowd with my mom when I was 16. It was nothing compared to meeting a real king and a queen at a real palace, while finding out the boy I had fallen head over heels with was a Crown Prince. And when I finally got over the worst shock, he proposed to me out there in the gardens, which immediately had become my happy place the first moment I laid eyes on it. Still is. Well, he proposed the first time, I should add, considering we did this twice.” AG sounded nostalgic.

Max took her hand and squeezed it.

“Ah yes, life’s detours. I had the palace park officially christened ‘Grace Gardens’ after my beautiful wife with the voice of an angel.”

“Ha, sounds like a real-life fairytale. Definitely better than what I got to offer, any of the times I thought I hit the jackpot of love, it only turned out to be me reaching deeper down into a toilet bowl. Guess everything is just fancier if you are royal.” Jack said, but Max shook his head.

“Believe me, it is not. If we are all finished dining, may I speak to you in private, Jack? If Aria-Grace will forgive us for forsaking her temporarily.”

“Oh, AG definitely doesn’t mind, cos she just realized I enjoyed our breakfast together as a group so much that I am now running late. I have to get ready and meet Bianca. We are testing out that new yoga studio in old downtown. It’s either gonna be a dream, or absolutely terrible. Can’t wait to see. I asked Keira to join, but she is too much into experiencing the Henford countryside with Connor. Plus, one of the friends Bee and I made while living in Brindleton actually moved here too, so we are meeting her for tea after.”

They left the dining hall together, then parted ways at the stairwell, Jack followed Max to his study, where the king shut the door.

Cromwell Palace
HRM King Maximilian's Study

“Uh oh, feels like I am in trouble and about to get a talkin’ to. Oh, and sorry about my outfit. Where I come from breakfasts are very laid back, you’re lucky if anyone bothers putting a clean shirt on. Well, the men anyway. If there are any girls everyone is always properly covered, not like Sodom and Gomorrah. I didn’t realize breakfasts are so formal here, then again, it is a palace and you’re a king, so … duh. I’ll do better tomorrow. Might borrow something from the Con-Bear. I mean, Connor.” Jack said uncomfortably.

“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable by asking you here, just wanted to speak privately without staff buzzing about, and you are a guest on holiday here no reason to worry about dress codes. You seem as if you are genuinely enjoying yourself now, which does my heart good. And I wanted to thank you, Jack. You have been handling this very difficult situation admirably, and I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to you. I am not out of touch with reality and can fully appreciate how hard this must be on you. The roles have been reversed before, after all, I was the ex then, floating around AG like a leaf in the Autumnal winds, not allowed to stay permanently, but not willing to fully leave, while you were the man in her life. I very much recall how it felt. That being said, the most logical way to handle this for most would likely be to put distance between us, geographically and socially, but truth be told, I find that would be a pity, as I genuinely and passionately admire you, Jack. When I was a boy, a man like you was whom I always wished I could be. Rugged, rough, free. Unbound by rules, but still with plenty of horses. Funny how that goes, the grass really does always seem greener on the other side, does it not?” Max said in his always calm, composed tone.

Jack snorted a laugh.

“You serious? Nah, Max, believe you me, you do NOT want my life. My grass ain’t greener, it’s dead, tumbleweeds, that’s what I got. I am free, that’s true. But I am also always at the edge of being alone, which is me avoiding saying lonely, not getting any younger here, according to Maeverette I already look 50, so time’s a tickin’ for me, where I live it’s slim pickins if you’re lookin’ for unwed females, and every time I have tried to change my relationship status in the past, it backfired something fierce. Prairie nights can be cold, alone in your bed, no matter how hot the fire burns in the oven. I have my son, and while we get along good, we are two very different people who only met a couple years ago now. We do all right, but we don’t have the kind of deep, old father-son relationship that would warrant us stickin’ together forever. He needs his own life. He’s 18 now, still figuring out what kind of man he wants to be, and I tried to help him best I can, but am no fool and know that before too long he’s gonna meet a girl he’s serious enough about to wanna settle down with, build something with, and I want him to have all that, cos I never did, admittedly because my own dumbassery. Hindsight really is 20:20, only that doesn’t help me any now. I want him to have a better life than me, not repeat my mistakes. If I am worth anything as a father, he’ll have it better than I ever did. He does seem to really like Chestnut Ridge and horses, so there is at least that. Like to think he has that from me. Dunno if that’s true or not, but it is what I tell myself.” Jack sounded down on himself while talking.

“Home truly is where the heart is.” Max said plainly.

“Ha, I don’t even know where my heart is anymore. Maybe I ain’t got one no more, broken too bad too often, it shriveled and dried up.”

“I do not think so. You have a big heart, Jack, a very much intact one, despite all the hardships you faced, you still are concerned with the welfare of others, putting other’s needs before your own, and that goes for humans and animals alike. Which is why I wanted to make you an offer. It is quite out of the ordinary, but considering all circumstances and what you just told me, it may well be worth entertaining after all.” Max smiled politely.

“All ears.”

“Allow me to backtrack slightly, so you can understand my position better. Ever since retaking my rightful place in this society as their king, and regaining the property which had been in my family for more generations than I care to count back to, yet which was unrightfully taken from us at some point, once I felt that I had re-established myself sufficiently to all whom should know to respect the House of Cromwell and why, I have been pouring a lot of myself into rebuilding the Cromwell Stables to their old glory, and putting the Cromwell steeds back on the top of everyone’s wishlist when it comes to excellent equines. I have been selectively breeding, Thoroughbreds, Andalusians and Arabians mostly, to create slender and agile gaited saddle and sport horses but am just not completely happy with the results yet. This takes a lot of my time and dedication, which I would like to direct otherwise, but sadly, my Royal Equerry – that is the stable manager if you so want – just handed in his resignation. I need someone like him, as I simply cannot be in several places at once, I still have a family and the political side of my position keep me quite occupied at times. While I have an excellent horse trainer, who has been kind enough to help out by temporarily taking over his duties on top of hers, I cannot and must not expect her to do that full time. I need a solid person who understands horses and has the same values if it comes to equines as I do. The horses are not just pets to me, they are close to my heart, every single one of them, but they are also part of the Cromwell calling card to the world, so just like the rest of the Cromwells, they have to look and act the part at all times. Luckily the horse trainer, Isobel, agrees and handles the animals accordingly, she understands all the many different characters and quirks and uses that, making them excellent to present, obedient, without breaking their spirit, but she can only do so much. A stable this size requires a lot of workers, but most stable hands are what you would call men’s men, somewhat stuck in the past as far as roles of men and women are concerned and display some reluctancy to follow a young female’s orders, even though they have repeatedly been instructed to by my Lord Steward – and me – to obey her. The Lord Steward is that grey-haired man with the grim face who oversees the staff at the palace and technically the stables as well.”

“Izzy.” Jack blurted out.

“Yes, my horse trainer’s name is indeed Isobel Duncan, called Izzy. You have met?”

“Ah, yeah, kinda, yesterday. Long story. So, whatcha got, Max? I’m listenin’.” Jack shifted awkwardly, fidgeting.

“Okay Jack, let me put all my cards on the table. I was testing your honesty a little, forgive me. I know you ran into Isobel, Izzy has come to me singing your praises, and told me about your heroic act, yet here you are, too humble to even mention it. The horse you retrieved is nearly invaluable, her name is White Magic, an excellent brood mare, a work of art visually, but a piece of work as far as handling goes. I am not planning on selling her, but if I were to, she’d easily fetch in excess of 100,000. Not to mention you left quite an impression on our lovely Miss Izzy.” Max winked.

“Uh, yeah, well, wow. That’s a lotta money for just one horse. Glad, I could help. Are they all that expensive?”

“They are, some run much, MUCH higher yet. Like I mentioned, they are a special breed I developed myself, excellent sports and presentation horses, with near perfect gait. If I had to put a price on it, I would say the lowest price would be fetched by Kismet, who will never be sold, as she is important to my wife, meaning she is priceless to me.”

“Well, then give Kissy – ahem, Kismet – some extra apples, she helped me get that bratty horsey back. Couldn’t have done it without her. Quite literally not, I can run pretty fast for a guy my age, but never faster than a horse.” Jack chuckled, as Max cracked a smile.

“Believe you me, Aria-Grace spoils Kismet and her foals rotten on any given day.”

“You didn’t bring me here to thank me for getting that horse back, did you?”

“Not entirely. I would like to offer you the position of Royal Equerry. Like I mentioned before, that is basically the stable overseer or manager, if you so will. It’s a very desirable position of great honor, so please know, it is not meant in any derogatory way, and while you technically would be employed by me, I am sure we could come to a mutually acceptable agreement. For one, following your acceptance of the position, I intend to alter the usual line of reporting, so that you would report directly to me, or AG, not the Royal Steward, as would be custom. I think you and I could always come to agreements significantly faster if we cut out the middleman, so to speak, considering how far we have come already under the most adverse circumstances and the great love and dedication we both share for horses and their wellbeing.”

Jack looked at Max, then nodded.

“Well, if I WERE to even consider this, I’d have a condition.” Jack stated plainly.

“I expected you would, please do share.”

“I need to bring my horses. At least two of them, Sorrel and Trapper, no way I am leaving them behind for longer than a visit, might leave their daughters and their foals for my son. I know this sounds crazy, bringing horses over here, but William seems to have a lot of faith in you for being able to pull off something like that, I see no reason to doubt the young prince. If I can bring them, you got yourself a new stable something whatever you call it.”

“The Royal Equerry. That is fantastic, Jack, I can absolutely understand and accommodate your request, personally I find it very reasonable, considering I asked you to uproot your life, and I mentioned how important horses are to me as well, so whichever horses you wish to bring regardless of number, will be transported here with the utmost care, and should you ever decide you wish to leave your position, they will be shipped back just as carefully. I am elated – dare I say excited – about your decision, indeed. I did not think you would agree quite so quickly. You might bring your son as well, if you wish. I am sure we can find something he would enjoy doing.”

“Ah, naw. I think Jackson will prefer staying where he is, no offense, but no way he’d move here. Okay, you have been very kind and honest with me, Max, lemme return the favor, which I think may also lighten your secret worry about me and AG, even though it may make you withdraw your job offer. I met Izzy yesterday all right and – how am I gonna put it?” Jack struggled to find the right words.

“Oh, I have a good idea of what happened, the way she speaks about you is a dead giveaway. See, Jack, here in my kingdom, few things happen without my knowledge. I have known Izzy and her family all her life, and mine, as loyal employees of the Cromwells. Isobel is a very solid person, of outstanding values and character, with a deep love for horses and nature, and despite her youth, one of the few people I would trust nearly blindly. I hoped you two would meet and connect over your love for equines. She is quite something and I thought you two would get along splendidly. If you allow me to speak to you in a casually intimate fashion, if you play your cards right you might have found a silver lining. While I admittedly was banking on you accepting my offer, for all our sakes, but especially Izzy’s, even though I do not habitually stick my nose in the business of my staff, let alone would I normally ever play matchmaker, but I may root for the two of you to discover that maybe shared worries are only half the worries after all, if you catch my drift. I am aware of your plight, Jack, and dare to say confidently that Isobel never has a secret agenda. What you see, is truly what you get with her, so observe with open eyes and you will know how much of a future you see. Izzy has been quite lonesome, unable to find a man locally who could appreciate her free spirit and outdoorsy type while being able to keep her interested. Izzy is the kind of person who would go for rides in the pouring rain and deepest snow, but also sleep in the stables when a mare was due to give birth. Not many boys deal well with that.”

“That would explain a few things I wondered about her for. Since you and I seem to be getting proverbially nekkid with each other here emotionally now, lemme be so bold to say that I know I don’t need a sack over my head, but I don’t think I am such a grand prize that a beautiful young woman would nearly drag me off to her bedroom after we only just met. Yeah, while we’re being so honest with each other, I want to say this to you at least once; I would never try to take AG from ya, even though we both know she isn’t the type you can make do something if she doesn’t want to in the first place. There has been a time when it crossed my mind a lot, not gonna lie, I wanted her and thought she wanted me too just needed to be reminded of that, until someone recently said something to me that set my head right. You and AG belong together. I see that now. Just like I see that I could never make her happy, not in the way you can, and I am not even talking about the palace and titles and all. You and AG are the same, in so many ways. Honestly, as much as I love my daughter, if I had a magic wand to make her yours, I probably would. It would make all our lives a lot easier, but especially hers. I love Vivienne, and because I love her and because I have nothing but respect for you, Max, I wish it were all different. All the good stuff you said about me, I can only give straight back to ya. Not sure if that’s good or bad, I mean, I couldn’t even hate you if I tried, and believe you me, I tried, but you’re just too damn nice.” Jack said.

“I appreciate your candor and kind words, and in a way, I think, Vivienne will always have two fathers. Strangely, when the test revealed I wasn’t Vivienne’s father biologically, I felt no different. She is my daughter, I love her more than life itself, just as I love my two other children, and I can’t help feeling that way, even though it may sound disrespectful to you, yet evidently, you share the same thoughts, reaffirming my hope that we will not get in each other’s way. Since we won’t be adversaries, might as well be friends.” Max smiled.

“You really are too good to be true. When I met you for the first time – you may not even remember it – I thought you being all nice and polite and all was just a show. I thought you were faker than a 3-dollar bill. I stand corrected, eatin’ crow now. You really are like that. I’ll be damned.” Jack chuckled.

“I do remember our first meeting, it was in Chestnut Ridge, outside the event center. You were walking with AG down Main Street.”

“Yeah, it was. How did you remember that? You one of them vampires that crawl out of every nook and cranny these days with all their magic doodads and such?”

Max laughed, shaking his head.

“Oh heaven’s no. I respect them, but theirs is just not a lifestyle I will ever embrace, I do agree with you, there are concerning numbers of them these days. Quite a few of them somehow related to my queen, so that is all I will say about it.” Max smiled, tilting his head slightly, while Jack nodded.

“Yeah, another one just moved in kinda down the street from ya. Did you know Gavin is one too? Cos I sure wouldn’t have guessed it, had he not told me straight up.” Jack said.

“Yes, I knew. It was only a matter of time that the fanged community would spill over onto this island. Truth be told, I am not so sure how I really feel about this, while lucky for all of us, the majority of them seem very civilized, pleasant, non-violent, polite, not even consuming human blood but artificial replacements, I know firsthand that wherever there is light, there is also darkness, oh my, I almost said too much.” Max became quiet for a moment, during which he afforded himself a brief glance at an old painting on the wall behind Jack, which depicted Max’ late parents in younger years, along with Max, Aria-Grace and a then still teenaged Prince Leopold, Max’s late younger brother, who officially tragically died in an accident by falling down the long stairwell of his manor drunk, even though Max knew the truth, that he was brutally murdered by vampire executioner Caelan Vatore for what he had done to AG, which still left Max with an uneasy feeling. He cleared his throat and smiled at Jack.

“Well, in lighter news, let us discuss your position here, and plan your relocation. All you need to do is express your wishes and expectations, everything else will be coordinated by my staff. I can’t wait to tell lovely Izzy about her impending new neighbor, unless, of course, you prefer to bring her the exciting news herself and maybe celebrate them with her.” Max winked at Jack, smiling.

Jack just snickered.

“Why can’t I help thinking you somehow had something to do with me meetin’ Izzy the way I have? If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you were there and set fire to that mare’s rear to make her run, knowing I’d go after her and shoot to the top of Izzy’s charts like the character from some chick flick.”

“Oh Jack, you see my position requires a little more than just sitting still with a crown on your head. It requires tactical thinking, solid people reading skills, the game of chess of life, such things are quite essential from a more political standpoint, and they do carry over into personal life. As I said, Isobel is from a very old family, the Duncans, who have worked for the Cromwells in one position or another for centuries now. In my world, loyalty is still invaluable, so I hold Isobel’s family in high regard. If you really would believe I had anything to do with it, and I am neither confirming, nor denying that, but maybe it was just me moving the chess pieces in the right strategic positions at the right time, and let fate do the rest. If I did this, it was with the best intentions for both of you and with a full heart. I know you haven’t had it easy and could finally use a bright light at the end of the tunnel, while there are never any guarantees in romance, I can confidently say that Izzy will not play with your heart. I am very selective with my staff and do not tolerate lying, backstabbing or departures from morality and fairness. Now, maybe I nudged, maybe I didn’t, but ultimately it is up to you what you make of it, how far you take it, Jack. Love takes work, like a delicate flower it needs to be coddled and tended to, watered and groomed, and cannot be cast aside when it gets older or it may fade and perish. You will have to put in work to make this blossom. Or don’t, that is up to you and Miss Izzy and absolutely none of my business, I just felt you could use a little nudging, so I nudged. As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. On that note, how about some fine Bourbon to ring in your new endeavours?”

“You had me at Bourbon! This horse is definitely gonna drink some of that! I’d never turn down good whiskey. Look Max, I appreciate your – ahem – nudging, I probably did need that, but like ya said, no guarantees. I don’t know where things will go with Izzy, I like her. A lot. But I quit guessing, getting my hopes up for things that never ended up happening for me, there is only so much beating this dog can take, so all I know is that for the first time in a while I am happy right here where I am currently going. I do see a light at the end of this way too long and way too dark tunnel. Gotta admit, you came in at just the right time, things felt very bleak for me, I thought I had reached the end of my line, knowing it was only gonna go downhill from there, so I kept asking myself if it was even worth trying to keep going. I leaned on poor Connor a lot, and finding out Vivienne was mine did make me want to stick around and at least try make my life into something worth living again. I didn’t want to come here at all, I fought Connor long and hard on this. Initially I hated this place, no offense. But then, riding Kismet hard across those rolling hills, breathing in that virgin fresh air, gave me a brand-new perspective yesterday, and topping that off with a pretty girl being really nice to me, looking at me like I am some kind of special didn’t hurt. So, thanks for nudging, your Majesty.”

“One more gentle nudge: this new endeavor will make seeing your daughter significantly easier. You won’t miss a beat living just a stone throw away. So, cheers, my friend. To old families and new endeavors.”

3 thoughts on “Chapter 509) Storybook

  1. With all your worry about a long chapter, it didn’t seem too long. Max is – well – too good to be true, but I suppose he is just that good. He lost AG and made all the necessary changes to get her back. And he’s right, love takes work and nurturing and he clearly does that with AG and his kids.

    Izzy is so adorably cute and a perfect match for Jack. Both love horses and the outdoors and aren’t afraid of hard work. 🥰 I do hope things work out for them. It’s time for Jack to be happy. Hopefully living near the stables, and not at the castle will,give him the independence he needs and he won’t feel smothered by Max. Friends instead of enemies. Good. AG is handling it well too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad to hear this tome of a chapter at least didn’t feel too long. 🙂

      There was a lot of good stuff in there, and we got to know the prince and princess a little more.

      Max has always been a thinker, quietly resisting his father’s outdated values, and now after the old ways cost him AG, he does everything in his power to not let that happen again. He is one of the few genuinely good people who also hold a position of power.
      I think his talk with Jack was enlightening to them and us. As Max basically put it “we won’t be enemies, might as well be friends”.

      He has known Izzy all her life and values her family, and therefore knew she would probably be a great match for Jack – and while Jack is very reluctant to get his hopes up (again) he is very smitten by her too.

      So, looks like the cowboy who was never gonna leave Chestnut Ridge, is going to let his son take over, while he tries to start over fresh in HOB, living at the apartment at the stables next door to Izzy, next door to AG and their daughter.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Loved this chapter. And I’m glad with how things have turned out for Jack, Max and AG, introduction of Izzy as Jack’s love interest.


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