Chapter 520) Feels Like …

Brindleton Bay
Cunningham Estate

Bradford’s lips were pleading with Bri’s to open, when she parted them, his tongue forced its way into her mouth greedily, passionately.

“My parents aren’t gonna be home till five …” he told her breathlessly after the passionate make out session ended.

Bri didn’t respond. She knew what he was really asking and it made her nervous. Kinda excited, but also scared, so she didn’t know what to say.

“Bri?” he pushed for a reaction.

“I … I … don’t know … “

“Your sister did it. She liked it.”


“Not with me! Sterling told me.” Brad gestured.

“Yah, I figured that much. Why would you and Sterling talk about … THAT?!”

“It just came up. He told me in secret, and I am telling you in secret. I could kinda tell something was different about them, so during a quiet moment I asked him how I would know if you’re ready and he mentioned that sometimes, the best thing is to just go for something you really want. Sorry Bri, I don’t want to screw it up with you, but I honestly don’t know how to tell, feels like overdue somehow, I don’t wanna be the holdup here, but I don’t want to force you, cos you don’t get a second chance for the first time. Look Bri, I really don’t wanna be pushy, but this feels … stuck. Like, we’re great together, you love me, I love you, you’re my girl. I don’t see why we wouldn’t …”

Briar Rose felt something she could only describe as stage fright.
She knew Iris had gone there with Sterling, that same day it happened she locked herself in her room with Bri and told her all about it. That’s how Bri knew it kinda hurt, Iris had described it as discomfort, but bearable, but eventually it felt really good. Iris said she ended up liking it in the end and was glad the anxiety was finally over, all the wondering when, how, not too early, not wait too long, not with the wrong boy … Iris said she had no regrets, even though when they started, she was uber-nervous.

“Earth to Bri, hello? Are you still with me?” Brad was waving his hand in front of her face now.

“Yeah. Sure. All right. Let’s do it. I am ready. I think.” Bri tried to sound convincing, more to herself than just Brad. Why not get it finally over with? Iris ended up liking it, so …

He smiled, kissed her, then took her hand and lead her to the stairs, up to his room.

Standing there, in his room with the door shut, Bri felt like she was doing something terribly naughty and forbidden, as in, the FBI and CIA would alert the public about this. Trying to be strong, trying to curb her pounding heart and shaky hands while Brad pulled his shirt off and undid his belt, letting his pants drop down, pool at his feet, he picked them up to fold them neatly before putting them on his dresser, before he came over to Bri in just his boxers, smiling, reaching for her dress to pull it up over her head.

Standing there, feeling naked in front of him in her underwear, even though he had seen her a million times in her bikini, which covered her just the same, she inhaled, then reached for him, running her hands over his chest, trying to remember all the love scenes in movies she had seen, to borrow some ideas of what to do next, as this all felt incredibly anticlimactic to her.

Was this it? Definitely didn’t seem like what usually was the prelude to whatever made her parents vanish behind closed doors to clearly enjoy some sexy time. That was passion. This was … lame. Maybe passion came with experience? THAT, her parents had plenty of, while Brad and Bri clearly had zero.

Brad started kissing her, she tried hard to lean into it, it turned racy and landed them on his bed, his hands were all over her. Somehow, he had lost his boxers and tried to pull her panties off but gave up when there was absolutely no assistance from Bri.

Instead, he opened the drawer of his nightstand to pull out a wrapped condom, chuckling at her.

“I honestly started thinking these would expire before you finally gave in.”

His words stung somehow.
Giving in?
Was that how the magical mysterious first time was meant to be? Giving in?

Oh, hell no!

Bri pushed Brad off herself, grabbed her clothing and shoes and ran towards her home, only stopping behind some shrubs to get dressed, before she ran again.

San Sequoia
The Coneira
A few days later

“Briar Rose – NO! Just NO!”

“And why not? If I don’t ask, you get mad, then if I try to do it the right way, you are mad. What do I have to do to make everyone happy around here, honestly not getting it.”

“Bri, stop the pity party! I am not gonna stand here and explain life to you again. We both know WHY you want the car. Leave Jackson alone, wasn’t it enough that he and Brad fought over you at the party? Does that give you some inner confirmation of how special you are?” Connor ranted.

“No, it was embarrassing. Connor, I wanna talk to him. I HAVE to speak to him. There is unfinished business between us. You can’t text someone an olive branch, that has to be in person or won’t feel genuine. He tried to make the first step at your party, I was immature, and I blew it. It’s on me now, my parental prison sentence is finally over, so come on now, Connor, don’t be a dick about this. You think I would beg mom and dad so they let me come here, only to continue begging you on hands and knees to forgive me for taking your car and to let me borrow it one more time outright if this wasn’t really important to me? But I still need you to throw me a bone here, and you can do that by letting me right yet another wrong.”

Connor measured his little sister up, thinking, considering, then nodded.

“Okay, tell ya what. I will call Jackson and ask him if he’s okay with you coming to see him, if he’s into it I will drive you out there, you can say your peace, you two can hug it out and then I will take you back home with me. If he says no, this was the end of that conversation for good. Lucky that kid finally got a phone that actually works. At least most of the time.” Connor told her.

“Connor, we’re gonna need some privacy. This is already gonna be uncomfortable AF, I am gonna have to kiss some serious ass with Jackson and I don’t want my big brother circling our heads for that and I don’t need a chauffeur. If you don’t trust me with car keys, can you at least please wait in town. I am sure they have a McDonald’s or something, you can play on the slide till I am done.” Bri countered.

“They do NOT have a McDonald’s Bri, they barely have something I struggle to call a restaurant, and the static on slides knots my beautiful hair, you salty little crank. Let me go talk to Jackson, depending on what he says, I’ll decide what we’ll do. I got shit to do, Bri, I don’t sit around bored all day long hoping one of my sisters want to make me part of their real-life teenage drama moments. This is as good as it is gonna get from me, Bri, a take it or leave it kinda deal. So, make up my mind, am I calling, or no?”

Bri nodded.

“Thanks Connor. Best brother ever award goes straight to you.”

“Yeah, whatever. Don’t make me regret this, you manipulative lil something-something.”

Chestnut Ridge
Kershaw Ranch
About 2 hours later

The moment they pulled up to the Kershaw cabin, Bri could barely breathe for anxiety, especially since they caught Jackson shirtless, splashing water from the pond on his torso, until he saw the car and slipped his shirts on. A thin checkered blue button-down he left open over a light gray tee that underlined his tan. Ba-boom went Bri’s heart.

Bri followed her brother over to him, let the men greet each other, before it was her turn. It was awkward, both weren’t sure whether to hug or shake hands or fist bump so they ended up with a strange mishmash of all the above.

“Shower broken?” Bri tried to make a joke to get over the worst weirdness.

Jackson cracked a smile.

“Wasn’t expecting you yet, thought it took over 6 hours to get here.”

Bri flipped him off, everyone laughed, which made Connor feel comfortable enough to leave them be.

“I’ll be downtown. Call or text if you need me. If not, I’ll be back in an hour.” he said, turning to walk off when Bri grabbed his arm.

“An hour? Seriously? I wanted to ask him to ride out with me, I mean, look around, that’s THE thing to do here, and if you missed the memo, I am taking riding lessons now, I like horseback riding, not missing this opportunity, but how are we gonna do that in an hour. I am not talking about those coin operated horses outside supermarkets you would put Chris on, Connor.”

“Did you even ask Jackson or just plan it over his head?” Connor frowned, when Jackson chimed in.

“It’s fine, I am used to her being bossy. She’s right too, I DID promise to teach her how to ride a while back and kinda let her down there, so I owe her at least a scenic ride. I’ll keep her safe, promise.”

“Fine, how long would that take?”

Jackson shrugged.

“Depends on what kinda figure she really makes on a horse. If she can manage to stay on and upright, at least 2 – 3 hours roundtrip for a somewhat scenic route, unless she wants to stare at nothing but weeds and rocks on the prairie, that route’s shorter. If I don’t think she can stay on that horse the moment things get a little rocky, which they will, I mean look around we don’t have paved roads here, then we’re not even leaving the ranch grounds. That would be 30 minutes tops for one big circle around the ranch with me leading the horse walking slow.”

“I CAN ride! Very well actually! Well, good enough anyway. That’s why YOU are supposed to teach me the things I do not yet know or am not good at, duh, to make me even better. Back home I only ride on asphalt or beaches really, few short dirt paths. Not … whatever you call this.”

“Real life, that’s what. We ride horses cos they’re quicker and can get where most vehicles can’t, not because we wanna flaunt how rich our parents are. Your first lesson will be not to wear shorts around horses in future, you’ll be very sore and sorry after that ride, and the horseflies are only one of the reasons. You’ll see why, you expert rider.” Jackson pushed Bri’s buttons.

“Asshole!” she reacted, when Connor punched her arm gently.

“Use your words. The parent-approved kind, please. I see you two are back to normal. So, you two enjoy horseback riding, and I will be wherever they have reception in town to take care of a few real-life things I was gonna do before getting stuck babysitting my sister. Call me when you two are back.” Connor decided.

“Not MY fault you got stuck with me for the weekend, all complaints straight to our parents please. I wanted to stay in a hotel room, but they sent me to sit on your lap instead, because apparently, I am a toddler. And I wanted to come here alone, too, cos guess what, I can drive already, WOW, but you went all big bro ra ra ra on me. So, me = innocent. This is YOUR fault, Con-Bear.”

Connor rolled his eyes.

“Bri-logic makes my head hurt. You know how to get a hold of me.” he told Jackson, with one last warning glance at Bri.

Once he was gone, Jackson looked at her.

“So why ya REALLY here? I know you told Connor you wanted to talk, but I know that can’t be it.” Jackson said in that slow drawl that had always done something to Bri.

“It’s the truth. I am sorry, Jackson, for the way I spoke to you at Connor’s party and all the Brad-drama. He was just uber-protective and had no idea what he had walked into and I have no idea how to explain it to him. Anyway, it was sweet what you did, back at your cabin that one night, I just misread it as rejection, not protection, and was hurt. I didn’t realize why you did what you did until you explained it.”

Jackson stared at her, looking unconvinced.

“I honestly can’t tell if you are messing with me or if you are serious.”

“I am serious. I am honestly sorry – for everything. I mean it. Why do you think I begged my stubborn brother to take me here, after crawling around in front of my parents forever and a day till they even finally allowed me to go see him, cos Iris didn’t want to go, she wanted to stay in the Bay with Sterling and our parents hate splitting us up for some reason. If you knew what all I went through to come here and tell you I suck and that I am really sorry for being an immature bitch, … text or call just didn’t feel right. Plus, I really don’t need this in writing.” she told him, smiling when he started chuckling.

“WOW! I am … almost speechless. WOW. I honestly NEVER saw THIS coming. Rich Nepo-baby comin’ to my house to apologize. WOW. I honestly don’t know what to do with myself right now.” he was clearly enjoying this, so Bri put a damper on his gleeful grin.

“Then let me help you out. Moment’s over, hope you enjoyed me begging you for forgiveness too. Now – are we EVER going on that ride or not? You PROMISED me!”

“Aaaaand she’s back.”

Jackson sighed, grabbed her by the hand, turned around and just pulled her along, which made Bri feel all sorts of ways, she would have followed him anywhere, but he just took her to where he had the saddles then whistled and grabbed two of the horses who arrived first, ‘parking’ them in position, after sending the rest of them cantering off with a hearty slap on the rears.

“Ya know how to do that? Can you handle it, Miss I-Took-Some-Riding-Lessons?” he asked, pointing at the saddles, his tone sounded like a challenge to Bri, while he was holding one of the horses by the bridle.

“Of course.” she lied, then grabbed one of the saddles, or better, she tried to, they were deceivingly heavy, it took all she had to even lift it off the stand, only to crash to the floor with it, still holding on, spooking the horses, and making Jackson laugh so hard, he was snorting and folding over, gasping for air.

“Just as I thought. Here, watch me do it.” he finally managed to get out, trying hard to curb his amusement.

“They just always come saddled already …” Bri said, embarrassed, as she watched with which ease Jackson swung the saddle on the horse.

“Yeah, I figured. Watch, this part is important. You see all these straps? Each one is important and needs to be tight, but not too tight. Too tight is bad, hurts the horse and can cause chafing, too loose is no good either, unless you wanna ride upside down.” he laughed.

“I rather not, but thinking a bag over my head would be good right about now.” Bri giggled.

“Nah, you’re way too purdy for that. Just some tape across the mouth would do.” he nudged her, while she smiled, realizing there was a compliment wrapped in his teasing.

Riding with him was a very different experience than riding with Brad and the others along the designated riding paths around Brindleton Bay and a far cry from her riding lessons in a big circle around a paddock. Bri couldn’t say why, but everything about it was different. Somehow Jackson seemed so natural on horseback, as if he and the stallion were a unity. When the terrain got rougher it scared Bri a little, so Jackson rode up close to her, holding on to her horse’s reigns, making sure the mare didn’t get carried away. Bri took in the scenery, eventually snapping a few pics with her cell phone. 10% scenery, the rest mostly of Jackson, a few Selfies sprinkled in.

When they got through a canyon and ended up at some waterfall, Bri nearly couldn’t believe it.

“WOW! I never expected something like this here.” she had to raise her voice against the loudness of the crashing water.

Jackson leaned over, interrupting her amazed stares with a light nudge, pointing up.


“So beautiful!” she chirped, when she looked at him, their eyes met, and something was so different when he said


“So, now you like rainbows, huh? In touch with your feminine side?” Bri tried to tease him.

“I wasn’t talking about the rainbow.” he said, winked at Bri, sending a hot jolt of lighting through her entire body, as he clicked his tongue and pulled on the reigns of his horse.

“Wait, can we stay here? Can you swim in this?” Bri pointed at the natural pool forming beneath the waterfall.

“It’s water, so of course you can. Did you bring swimwear? If ya did, I am gonna have questions.”

Bri shrugged.

“Do you not come here to swim?”

“All the time. This is one of the main spots where people ’round here hang out, especially the younger ones, on summer break.”

“Then why is nobody here?”

“The Hay Down is about to start this Sunday. Everyone’s busy settin’ up.”

“The what?”

“Local summer fest, basically. You would hate it. Very backwoods, but we all love it. I was on my way to town to help when your brother called. I stayed cos I was downright curious of that this was gonna be now, could be anything, knowing ya.””

“Okay, watch this.” Bri challenged meaningful, slipping her top over her head, laying it across the saddle horn, nodding at Jackson, whose eyes grew big seeing her in her bra.

“Quit staring or your eyes will fall out. You act as if I was wearing pasties. It’s a simple bra and no different than a bikini. You backwoods people have heard of those right, or do the ladies here swim in those full body contraptions like in the late 1800s?” Bri laughed.

“No, they do what you just did, or take it ALL off. I do kinda wanna know how you know what pasties are, but am afraid to ask. All right, girl. Challenge accepted.” he said, as he smoothly swung his leg over, sliding off the horse looking incredibly cool to Bri.

He took off his hat, balancing it on the saddle, slipped off the button-down shirt, pulled his tee over his head, then undid the button and fly of his jeans, letting them slide down his legs, there was something incredibly sensual about it all so Bri couldn’t stop watching, feeling very differently than she had when Brad did this. Context was different.
Or was it? It should be. But … was it?

Jackson had stepped out of the jeans, put them and his shirts over the saddle horn, kicking off his boots looking up at her, clearly waiting for her next move.

Bri’s hands got sweaty and she looked awkward trying to dismount, so Jackson stepped up and helped her down.

She would never forget how that moment, those few short seconds felt of her bare skin sliding across his, and how his body felt against hers when they stood this close for just a moment too long.

She knew she had to be bright red when they separated, but Jackson couldn’t look at her any more than she was able to look at him, he was too tan for her to be able to tell if he was blushing, before he turned and walked off straight into the water, while Bri quickly rid herself of her shorts and sandals, then followed, squealing as the water was much colder than she had anticipated, making Jackson turn around to her and laugh, standing waist deep in the water made him look like Mr. July in some cowboy-themed calendar.

“It’s the waterfall. The movement doesn’t allow for it to heat up a lot.”

“Now you tell me … very … effervescent … ooof!” Bri smiled at him, before splashing him, which he returned in kind.

They played around in the water for a while, innocently, even though Bri couldn’t stop staring at how much more manly Jackson seemed compared to Brad, even though they were only 2 years apart in age. Brad was handsome too, but always seemed like a little boy next to Jackson.

Her mind ran haywire, wondering a thousand things at once as she watched him laugh at some back-and-forth joking they had traded.

“What if you are the one, my forever?” it startled her seeing Jackson’s puzzled look before realizing that thought had come out of her mouth. She blushed.

“Sorry. One of my dad’s new songs, it came on the radio on the drive out here, the chorus gets repeated a lot and is stuck in my head.” Bri babbled. It was a half-truth. The song had played on the radio, but wondering if the words applied here was original Bri.

“Must be cool to have a musician as a dad.”

“It is. Was. Kinda. You were right when you told Taylor he was retired. He isn’t yet, but will be once this tour ends, in about a year or so from now. At least until he can figure out what to do with himself. I can’t imagine him NOT making music. He’d wilt like a dying flower.”

“A year? They tour for a whole year?! Dayum!”

“Not unusual. Most musicians take breaks while touring or they’d keel over, it’s very strenuous. Dad and Colton’s tour is actually almost 18 months. When Iris and I were little, we’d always be backstage, once we started school, then only during breaks. I kinda miss it.”

“Sounds amazing.”

“I guess. We grew up with all that, just seemed normal to us, like all this here seems normal to you, taking horses to go literally anywhere, randomly bathing in waterfalls, now THAT sounds totally exotic and incredible to me. If you guys had decent cell phone coverage and high-speed internet, this would be paradise. Oh no, I did it again. Sorry, seriously, this wasn’t meant as bashing your home. I am seriously digging all this now. Thank you for showing me how beautiful it really is around here. Even if it’s still kinda stuck in 1990 technologically and fashion-wise, but I am digging it.” she laughed.

“No worries, I didn’t take it as bad. I like you like this. I am seeing the real Bri again. Thought for a while there she was gone. Glad I was wrong.” the way he got serious and looked at her made Bri feel some type of way.

“There is only one Bri, Jackson. We all have facets. I was just going through some shit. Needed to work some stuff out. Still am, I think. But aside from that I am still the same Briar Rose you always knew me as, fun-loving, kinda immature at times but working on it, but I mean well, don’t hurt people on purpose, even though I do end up hurting people sometimes accidentally, and I am some manipulative bi-A-tch, but you know that. Works for me. Got me here. So I am not exactly in the market to change there. But like I said, still trying to work through some weird crap I am dealing with.”

“Like what the hell you are doing dating that Brad-dude?” Jackson said bone-dry, surprising Bri.

“Why would you say that?” she wondered, confused.

“You two don’t … he’s not …ahem … you are too …uh … I don’t know. Iris and her dude match. You and Brad .. don’t. Somehow. I can’t explain it.”

“Ah. Very concise and helpful, Doctor Kershaw. Can’t wait for my next therapy session to find out more nothing about nothing. Just to show that I truly mean to be a better person I will hold any and all comments I would have locked and loaded about you and your Taylor then, even though you just spewed some seriously dumb, not to mention uncalled-for shit. At least you’re easy on the eyes. Got that going for you.”

Jackson grinned.

“Hey, I didn’t mean it bad, just bein’ honest here, and I never claimed to be the educated type. I never claimed to be anything. Just a guy trying to get by.”

“Don’t sell yourself short. You’re smart and you are good at a lot of things.”

“Am I? Like what?” he challenged, grinning.

Making me forget my own name, because my brain and body completely malfunction around you’ Bri thought.

“Come here, come closer and I will tell ya …” she said, looking innocent.

He raised his eyebrows but did as she asked.

“Turn around.” she said.

He did, Bri ran her fingertips across his back, gently, slowly, feeling like little butterflies to Jackson who closed his eyes, but tore them wide open when he realized it had been a rouse, and Bri had pulled down his shorts, underwater, and now was running towards her horse, laughing hard.

“You little …” Jackson couldn’t help but laugh, fighting the water to pull his boxers back up, when Bri was taking off riding back the way they had come, making his horse watch and snort at him in protest. Stallions didn’t like being outdone by mares, true for horses and humans alike, judging by how fast Jackson threw on his clothing and mounted up, charging after Bri, who was long gone.

He burst into his cabin, to find Bri at the coffeemaker, looking innocently at him.

“You little witch!” he laughed.

“Told ya I could ride … and look, like a good woman, I am just over here making coffee. You look like you could use some.” she giggled.

Shaking his head, he sighed, then went over to pull out mugs. When he grabbed the milk, they ended up in front of each other, close yet again, due to the confined space of his kitchen, their eyes locked, both stood frozen, until Jackson moved first. The milk dropped to the ground, as he grabbed Bri, pushing her into the wall behind her, kissing her hard.

The way this made her feel was incredible, like a relief of something a long time coming. She responded in kind, without having to think about the next step, it just happened organically, like a natural flow of things. She didn’t even realize it until she felt the soft down-filled blanket underneath her that they had made their way to his bedroom, when she started pulling off his shirt, he let her pull his tee over his head, while his hands explored her body, making her moan so loudly, she startled herself with it.

“Bri, we need to stop or I won’t be able to anymore … I don’t have that much self-control … And you know you and I can’t happen. There’s no future … this is … crazy.”

“Shut up! I don’t wanna stop. Don’t stop …”

“Bri …”

“Shhh! I am on birth control if that’s what you are worried about. Just roll with it. Please … don’t ruin this moment now.”

He did resume, the way he was touching her affected them both, bringing both to the brink of ecstasy made Bri wonder how the same idea could feel so very different now. It felt forced at Brad’s, here, nobody and nothing could stop her now. This was so happening!

Just before they were both getting very close to their sensual equilibrium, even without performing the actual act yet, she pulled away from him a bit, and he removed his finger from pleasuring her.

“Did I hurt you? Just wanted to make sure you are … ready enough.”

“No, I … this is … I haven’t done this before … but I want to. The real thing. Like … ALL the way. With you.”

She could feel Jackson’s entire body stiffen, the glazed-over look cleared from his eyes as he stared, genuinely shocked, before he rolled to the side and off of her.

“Don’t say it, Jackson. Yes, I am sure I want it, I know what I am doing. I want this, I NEED this to be you. Don’t you want me too?” she pleaded with him.

“Is that a serious question? If it is, we have to start all the way back with the birds and bees talk! It’s not about wanting …”

“It was rhetorical … now quit talking! Just be a little … careful.”

Jackson looked deep into her eyes, then reached for something, Bri heard him open the drawer of the bedside table, before he held a small square wrapper in front of her eyes, giving her a sense of deja vu.

“You ARE sure?” he asked again, slight disbelief in his tone.

With a sigh Bri just took the package from him, tore it open with her teeth then sat up to pull down Jackson’s boxers with his help, before pulling the content from the package, staring at the flimsy thing in her hands, then his arousal, clearly trying to work out how that was supposed to function, making him laugh as he took it from her.

“Here, let me before one of us loses an eye.” he said, putting it on, as she watched him intensely. “You really are something else, girl. I honestly never met anyone who even comes close to being like you.” he told her.

“Yeah, I know, I am special, blah blah. You know what else I am? Still a virgin. Tic toc, Jackson.”

“Yes Ma’am! You definitely know what you want and are not shy about asking for it. Look Bri, I have never been with a virgin, so this is … scary. I am going to be as careful as I can, but it’s probably gonna hurt, at least a little, hopefully not much. But we have to try and go slow … you need to help me with that, okay? Cos I feel like I am gonna lose it once we get into it.”

“I am a virgin, not a nun from the Middle Ages. I know how it’s all supposed to work and all that, girls talk too, you know, I got all the dirt, just haven’t actually done it yet. I trust you.” Bri told him.

He smiled, shaking his head, they kissed and touched each other to get back into the groove and then it finally happened.

Briar Rose felt like her entire world was exploding around her, she barely remembered the slight discomfort in the beginning, only the ending like fireworks.

Laying next to each other on his bed, Jackson broke the silence first.

“Feels surreal.”

“Feels exactly how I always imagined it.” she sighed.

“You imagined having sex with me?” he whistled through his teeth, his tone was teasing again, she slapped a pillow on his face, which he casually bounced off to the side.

“Don’t get arrogant. I definitely earned my Cameron-card today. We like sex.”

The look he shot her didn’t need words, clearly he was thinking naughty things.

“Gimme 15 minutes and we can put that to the test … again. And … again.”

“Staaaaaahp! You are bad!” she giggled as she slammed another pillow down on his face, immediately he accepted the challenge and a pillow fight broke out, until Bri halted, which got her slammed square in the face by a pillow.

“Stop! You hear this? OH SHIT! THAT’S CONNOR’s CAR! What time is it?” Bri analyzed horrified.

“Dunno, but it got dark on us. Holy shit!” Jackson pointed out the window.

“OH MY GOD! Get dressed! HURRY!”

Both had just managed to put on all their clothing on hyperspeed and run into the kitchen, trying to stand as innocently as possible an unassuming armlength away from each other, trying not to frown while sipping ice cold stale black coffee pretending it was hot and fresh, when the door opened, and Connor walked in.

“There you are! Remember me? You were supposed to call me when you got back. I texted both of you a gazillion times.”

“Oh! I didn’t … hang on, where’s my phone?” Bri fondled around in both back pockets of her shorts.

Jackson pat his own pockets, looking distressed.

“Shit. I think we lost them at the waterfall.”

“BOTH of you lost your phones?” Connor ‘s facial expression said more than words could.

“We just got off the horses and waded in the water. No biggie. They must have fallen out when we took off …” Bri tried to explain, but Jackson talked over her.

“When we dismounted. There is high grass around and you wouldn’t hear it or notice them on the ground, and the waterfall is pretty loud. We definitely would have noticed if they fell out here at the cabin, cos of the wood floors.” Jackson cut her off before she could list items of clothing they had taken off. That would probably not sit well with Connor. Jackson shot her a warning glance to remind her why she should hope he was right about his guess and the phones hadn’t fallen out in his bedroom.

Connor looked back and forth between them, each trying to look more innocent than the other.

“All right, where is that waterfall?” Connor sighed.

“It’s dark now, you won’t see shit. We don’t have streetlights. Only downtown.” Jackson shrugged.

“You forget who and WHAT I am. I can see just fine in the dark. Can someone please point me in the right direction?” Connor demanded.

“It’s off the main road, where you take a left to drive up to my cabin, you instead go straight and then make a sharp right at the big tree. I can take ya there. Can she wait here though? She’s not dressed for the chilly nights we get here, and I am not comfortable with her out in the dark if I can’t make sure she’s all right.”

“Making sure she’s … okay whatever? Hmm … fine. Can you behave until we get back?” Connor gave Bri a warning look.

“You know it, sweet brother of mine. I shall stand here, gaze out the window, eagerly awaiting the safe return of my two knights, while cooking and cleaning and tending to the children, after bringing in this season’s harvest, like a good woman … seeing how there are no toys around for me to act like the toddler you and our parents like to treat me as. Then again, I could just sit there banging wooden spoons on pots and pans … ” she purred, smiling at Connor.

“Oh jeeze. You got some extra boots, Jackson? It’s getting deep in here. You are deranged, Bri.”

“Just overflowing with sheer excitement that you are here to rescue me and take me safely home, cos I apparently am in grave danger when no approved adult can hold my hand.” she countered.

“What did you do with her? Is she on drugs? I know she’s the queen of bullshit, but that’s extra, even by her standards.” Connor asked Jackson, who shrugged, grinning.

“Just drunk with love for my overprotective family since you came bursting in here like the Kool-Aid Man, so worried about your sweet, innocent little sister … MUAH!” she kissed Connor’s cheek who looked confused.

“I’ll go saddle the horses …” Jackson pressed out, trying not to laugh.

“Kid, we don’t need horses. Just gotta endure me a little more up close and personal than usual. You behave, Bri! I am serious!” Connor told Bri before he and Jackson vanished.

“If you only knew …” she giggled to herself, then went to Jackson’s bedroom to make sure there were no phones, which undoubtedly was the real reason Jackson wanted her to stay behind, relieved she went to his bathroom to freshen up, looking at herself in the mirror, unable to stop smiling.

“Finally. I knew it. I KNEW it was gonna be like this with him. Welcome to adulthood, Briar Rose. And it was SO worth it. Ha, what an ending to the weirdest day ever. Had I known apologizing to him gets me THIS, I would have done it at Connor’s party. And special thanks go to mom for having Iris and me on birth control to make this experience 100% worryfree and just enjoyable. You’re the best after all, mom, even though you will never know why.” she sighed, smiling, staring at her face to see if she looked as grown up as she felt.

By the time she got back out, Connor was materializing with Jackson, who looked taken aback.

Connor pat him on the shoulder, while handing Bri her phone.

“The first time is always a little special and confusing, but you’ll never forget it … some mortals even get some sort of high from it for a little while.” he said, clearly meaning the strange sensations a mortal felt when being ported with a vampire for the very first time, but it had Bri bursting into hysterical laughter, unable to stop, making Jackson laugh hard too.

“Have you two been drinking? You are both acting REALLY strange! Here, breathe at me … both of you.” Connor demanded, completely confused by this scene before him.

San Sequoia
The Coneira
Few hours later

By the time Bri was home and settled in Connor’s guest room, she fell down in the sheets, freshly showered and so incredibly happy, when a text buzzed.

“All good?” the message read.

“Big bro’s 100% clueless. You?” she texted back instantly.

“That was close. Yikes. All good here. Taylor came by just after you two left. Yikes part 2. She didn’t stay long, was tired from setting up the fair. Wasn’t mad at that, it feel crazy weird having her here, knowing what we just did. I can’t sleep. I should be tired but I am totally wound up.”

“Yeah, I know, tell me about it. I literally ran from my actual boyfriend to be with you. I know I should feel guilty, but I just don’t. It was so worth it. Super-special to me. I’d do it like this again and again. Just like this. It was perfect. The perfect ending to a perfect day. Thank you for this, Jackson.”

“YOU are perfect.”

“So are you. Took a shower and hate that your smell is gone … “

“My bed still smells like you … I am afraid to lay down in it, don’t want the smell to go away.”

“Wish I were in it.”

“Me too.”

“Shit, not to blow up the moment here, but my battery is about to die and the charger is downstairs. I am not feeling running into my brother or Keira right now, just wanna enjoy the high you gave me a little longer. TTYT?”

“Dream of me, little Bri. ;)”

“I always do. Dream of me?”

“No ten horses could stop me. Hey, I got a new phone and a better plan, works a lot better. Just sayin'”

“Hint taken. I’ll be calling you tomorrow as soon as I can without brotherly ears and eyes on it.”

Bri was still smiling when she awoke the next morning, feeling elated, the sun seemed brighter, the birds seemed to sing louder …

Author's Note:
Spoiler alert to keep the right momentum: nobody got pregnant, nobody gets busted. But there will be a continuation of this arc in the next chapter.

2 thoughts on “Chapter 520) Feels Like …

  1. I’m so happy Bri didn’t let Brad be the one. The sparks weren’t flying at all and it seemed wrong even though he said all the right things, at least until the end. He’s simply a teenaged boy with hormones running rampant just waiting for her to finally ‘give in’. She and Jackson have a great dynamic between them. And it happened naturally which is how it should be. Even though she had to reassure him. Clearly they both loved it. But now what? I can see her dumping Brad, but not so sure Jackson will dump Taylor. Bri is still a teenager and he’s much more of a man. Can he wait for her? If anyone finds out, will he be in serious trouble? Ugh.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so very right.
      Bri in many ways is more mature than Brad, but in so many ways also so immature still.
      Jackson behaves well beyond his years because of circumstances causing him having to grow up much faster.
      Not to mention both, Taylor and Brad bring a lot to the table, and both are much better suited to their partners than Bri and Jackson are to each other.

      Liked by 2 people

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