Chapter 544) In The Twilight

“And when nobody wakes you up in the morning,
and when nobody waits for you at night,
and when you can do whatever you want,
what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?”

― Charles Bukowski
Chestnut Ridge
Kershaw Ranch

A knock on the door.

“Oh shit, is it time again? I thought Connor doesn’t come on weekends!” Stryker exclaimed.

“He don’t, it’s Friday, not Saturday. But Connor said last time he’d be back on Tuesday, so this ain’t him. No pokin’ and probin’ for ya today, unless this is one of them aliens.” Jackson laughed.

“Friday is the end of a week, so weekEND. Let’s hope you’re right, didn’t shower yet today and am in no mood to do the usual striptease for Connor to show him my most private parts. If there is one thing I learned for a fact by now is that I do not enjoy a man’s touch, not even some pretty boy like Connor.” Stryker grimaced.

“No need to tell me ya didn’t shower. Well, if ya really serious about takin’ Sophie up on her invite to stay with her and your kids for a weekend or longer when I go see mah dad next, you better start gettin’ back in a good personal hygiene routine or y’all struck out before you even started again, cos she’ll put yer butt out on the street quicker than ya can say ‘soap’. And you know Keira will kick yer ass straight into their shower if ya get lazy like that when staying with them. A green cloud envelopin’ ya that makes my eyes water isn’t gonna make ya many friends, dude.” Jackson smiled.

“Don’t you worry about my Sophie, and I didn’t realize I needed to be pretty for you and smell nice, since I don’t need help with everything anymore, but I’ll remember to shower daily and use an extra stroke of deodorant from now on. Just for you, kid.” Stryker snickered.

“Eternally grateful. Personally, I don’t care whatcha look like, but there have been days I kept looking for that skunk that must have wandered in here before realizin’ it was you, and I ain’t a fan of you walking faster than yer stench. No wonder my dog stays gone so much. And it definitely won’t up yer chances of yer ex bein’ tempted to touch you like Connor does, that I promise ya. Musta heard it on the news the other day that girls prefer unwrapping something that smells good and I don’t blame ’em, cos so do I.” he chuckled.

Jackson had reached the door and opened it, staring at the visitor in disbelief.

“Hi. Sorry I didn’t call ahead. Iris and I tried to get your number but that failed gloriously. Long story. And I am sure Connor is going to tell you all about that one of these days. Anyway, tada – here I am anyway. Bad time?” Bri chatted on.

When Jackson said nothing, couldn’t say anything for surprise, she ended up picking up a pile of bags, sqeezing her way in past Jackson.

“Sure, just come on in.” Jackson peeked out behind her.

“I am alone, and the car isn’t stolen. It’s Jasper’s he loaned it to me, I swear, it’s all legit this time.” Bri told him when she noticed.

“Ya movin’ in?” Jackson pointed at several large travel bags she had hauled in and dumped on and next to his coffee table.

“I was hoping you’d have room for a visitor. Just for the weekend. I’ll be gone Sunday afternoon.”

“The weekend? Didcha run away from home?” Jackson wondered.

“No. They know I am here. Well, not here per se. They think Iris and I are with Jasper, going out and all. Iris is. I am not, obviously. Unless you say no.” Bri told him.

“You wanna stay with me? For an entire weekend? Here? At my ranch?” it just wouldn’t compute for Jackson.

“I wanna stay with you for a weekend and help you with your ranch, yes. IF you say yes. If not, I will turn around now and go back to Jas’ place.”

“Okay, I gotta see that. You helping me with the ranch, yeah, I can’t possibly say no to that. Only problem, we’re three people and this is a two-bedroom cabin.”

“I know, I’ll take the couch.”

“Nah, you’re not. Before I’d allow that, I’d go sleep with the horses. I’ll be on the couch. No lady ever gonna sleep on no couch at my house.” Jackson decided.

“Listen you gentleman, you’re way too tall for that couch! You’d hang over top and bottom! We’ll figure it out. I couldn’t care less about sleeping arrangements, this isn’t about getting a good night’s sleep in the country for me, but about … figuring out what this is with us. What is that rank smell?” Bri started sniffing the air, while Jackson bit back a laugh.

“Dontcha worry about the smell, Stryker and I handled that. It’ll be fixed soon. Why figure out what? Last I heard was that you needed you-time, distance and all that. This cabin is too small for any of that. You’ll get to know me and Stryker and Millie REAL good. Whether ya want to or not.”

“Millie?! Who’s Millie?!” Bri didn’t even attempt to hide the jealous tone in her voice.

“Mah dawg.” chuckled Jackson, his drawl made her smile.

“Oh, the elusive dog I have never once seen or heard. You sure you’re not just imagining her?” Bri grinned.

“Right now I am not so sure what all I am imaginin’, cos I am seein’ you here wantin’ to spend the weekend with me at my ranch. That just don’t sound right.” Jackson’s lips pulled into a crooked smile.

“Yeah okay, I had a lot of things happen, and learned a lot of truths and a lot of it put things into a VERY different perspective for me. Maybe I said no too quickly. Maybe not. Maybe a weekend together will help me figure that out. Help us figure it out. I have a feeling you’re kinda confused too.” Bri said quietly.

“Confused is puttin’ it mildly. Been talkin’ to Jasper? Cos that sounds exactly like something he told me recently. That I need to find a way to get to know you better and show you who I am.” Jackson admitted.

“No Jasper, all me. Wait, why were you talking to Jasper about this?” now Bri was the confused one.

“I wasn’t, he was. Ya know how you girls always go off and whisper and chatter and all, lookin’ at us boys, so we know y’all are talkin’ about us but not what? Yeah, that. I ain’t gonna tell ya nothing. Ya wanna know, ask Jasper.” he grinned.

The rest of Friday was fun. Stryker, Jackson and Bri cooked together – right after Stryker took a really long shower – they ate together and shared funny anecdotes. Afterwards Bri made good on her word and put forth a real effort to help Jackson with his evening chores.

Saturday she woke up from someone banging around in the kitchen before the sun was even up, and a dog sniffing around under her door, when she opened it, she found a large mutt, sniffing her curiously, wagging hesitantly, only to collapse into a pile of fur for Bri to pet, until she heard steps, saw boots, looked up at Jackson. Her heart skipped a beat for a minute.

“Breakfast?” he asked, right as Bri realized the intoxicating scent of coffee, eggs, bacon and toast filling the air.

“In the middle of the night? Did you even sleep? In your clothes or why in the world are you dressed already? I told you the couch was too short for you!” Bri wondered, still snuggling Millie.

“Nah, couch fit me just fine. I did my three S’s, got dressed and made breakfast. We get up early around here. Before the rooster crows.” Jackson told her.

“What rooster? You don’t have chickens. What are three S’s? Am I supposed to do those as well? And why didn’t you tell me to set an alarm on my phone?” Bri asked.

“Thinkin’ you’re already doin’ some of those three S’s, Bri, it’s shower, shave and … well … use yer imagination. Looks like I didn’t need no alarm to get ya up. Stryker sleeps deeper, I usually gotta go kick his bed for him to roll his bones out here. And you finally met Millie.” Jackson pointed at the dog, who was all wags now.

“Guess she really is real. And she is sooooo ADORABLE! Doesn’t it worry you that she keeps disappearing?” Bri kissed the dog’s head, while hugging her.

“That’s how I got her. I came home to her decidin’ I was her new owner some years ago. I asked everyone, this town and two over in each direction, nobody knew her, nobody was missin’ a dog. So, she decided I now had a dog. Been here ever since.”

“Looks like that’s how it works for you. Girls just show up at your doorstep wanting to stay with you.” Bri rose up to face him, smiling.

“Looks like it. I don’t tie her down or fence her in, just like anything and anyone else on this ranch, all here cos they want to be, even if she leaves for a while, she always comes back to me.” his words seemed to carry a deeper meaning.

“Looks like so do I … But unlike her I never came back pregnant by Connor’s dog, so there’s that.” Bri grinned up at him, making him chuckle.

“I am still not really convinced that you are really here. Musta ate something bad or something and you’re a mirage.”

Bri stood up on tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

“How about now? It was either this or a pinch, figured you’d like this better.”

“Ya ain’t wrong about that. Starting to feel more real … come on, let’s have breakfast, you too Millie. When Stryker gets up there won’t be much left. Him being so skinny is deceivin’, he eats more than all my horses combined. Tempted to sneak one of the horses’ dewormers in his food, just in case.” Jackson chuckled, winking.

After breakfast Bri tried her best to help with the ranch work, at the very least her many failed attempts amused Jackson and Stryker greatly and occasionally, Jackson had a little fun messing with her.

After all the chores were done, Jackson took her for a ride.

“This is actually very first time I really get to really ride Prairie Rose … another first with you.” Bri smiled back at Jackson, before coaxing the horse into a full canter.

They chased each other across the prairie, down some canyons, past scenic riverbanks, filled with the last explosion of summer’s wildflowers, until they stopped at a field to let the horses graze and rest.

While letting the animals take a break, Jackson and Bri laid next to each other looking at the clouds, until Jackson realized she had fallen asleep. He let her sleep for a while, before tickling her awake with a daisy, which he then gave to her, making her smile as if it were a diamond necklace.

Saturday evening Jackson took Bri dancing.

She didn’t know the people, the music or the dances, but she learned quickly and before long she was twirling across the dance floor with him and others, giggling and clapping during a line dance.

Clearly enjoying herself and her joie de vivre was exhilarating and entertaining to other patrons of the dancehall. Her good mood was contagious.

When they had enough of dancing, Jackson let her drive his truck home, she exited and headed for the cabin he pulled her back, pushed her up against the truck and kissed her in a way that made her feel every emotion known to mankind at once, until it settled on butterflies.

“Hey … I don’t usually kiss on the first date …” she told him flirtatiously.

“This was our first date, wasn’t it? Well, about damn time, I say. I enjoyed it. Had the time of my life tonight. Thinkin’ you did too, so maybe there’s a good chance for there bein’ more.” Jackson said.

“Count on it.” Bri breathed.

“I am glad you came, darlin’.” he told her.

“Not as glad as I am.” he tone was sincere.

He took her hand and they walked into the dark cabin, as quietly as possible, Stryker had already turned in.

When Stryker woke the next morning, sun was already up, nobody had made coffee, there was no breakfast waiting for him and the horses were staring holes into him through the kitchen window, while the couch looked undisturbed. Stryker looked out the window and saw Jackson’s truck parked out front, then looked at the closed bedroom door and smiled.

“Good for you, kid.” he nodded to himself, grinning.

He started the coffeemaker then headed out to the horses.

“Come on guys, let’s get your eyeballs peeled off the windows and find you some breakfast. Keep it down though. Let them sleep in.”

Del Sol Valley
The Malton
Home to Colton, Maddie and Jasper

While Briar Rose was inching towards her own answers to those burning questions, her sister had been roaming the Del Sol Valley streets with Jasper, window shopping, trying on crazy hats and laughing hard about anything and everything on Friday.

They spent most of Saturday by Jasper’s rooftop pool.

The cooler evening in the hot tub, overlooking the Del Sol Valley skyline.

His parents, Colton and Maddie, had never been the helicopter kind, so they only joined them occasionally and usually not for very long before they went off to do their own thing again.

The breakup was forgotten, Iris couldn’t remember the last time she laughed so much that her cheeks hurt when she laid in bed that night in the guest room, unable to sleep.

She got up, peeked out into the quiet hallway, then quickly ran over to Jasper’s room, tried the handle and found it was unlocked.

She slipped in and smiled when she saw him sprawled out on his bed.

Giggling she climbed into bed with him, poking him gently.

“Jas, you awake?”

“No.” his voice sounded drowsy.

“I can’t sleep.” Iris whined.

“Makes two of us, neither can I, because someone’s whining in my ear and poking me with her talons! Go bother my parents, wherever they are, they’re vamps and don’t need sleep. I am not, so I do!” he mumbled into his pillow.

“Can I stay with you tonight?” Iris begged.

“I don’t care. Just stop making sounds with your mouth, woman.”

Iris plastered herself up against him, sighing a couple of times, when he still didn’t react, she contorted herself and slipped her feet inside his shirt, pressing them onto his back, causing him to shoot up, fighting her off.

“How can ANYONE have ice cold feet in late summer in Del Sol Valley!? You need socks for bed!” he complained at the giggling Iris, swatting at her legs, while plopping back down with a sigh.

“Payback for you sticking ice cubes in my shorts earlier. That was low!” she told him.

“No, THAT was funny, and you were awake then. I wasn’t until you burst into my room like the Kool Aid man. I need my beauty sleep. Think all this handsomeness is effortless? I just make it look like that. It’s hard work. Requires lots of sleep, which I am NOT getting now. Now let’s play ‘find the big fat HINT’!”

“I would leave, but I can’t, cos now I am blinded by how pretty you are.” Iris giggled.

“Handsome. Girls are pretty.” Jasper corrected.

“Well, you have some girlish features … pouty lips and baby face …”

He reached over and tickled her, making her giggle and squeal, so he put his hand over her mouth.

“SHHHH! You wanna explain to my parents why you are in my bed?! Cos I definitely DO NOT! We are well past that age where our parents found that cute. Now they would separate us by beating us with brooms and rolled up newspapers!” Jasper whisper yelled at her, while she pulled his hand off her mouth.

“Well, I am in YOUR bed, not you in mine, so I would get the rolled-up newspaper and the lectures, not you victim. So, what’s your problem? Worried about Oakley? How come I have been here almost a day and a half – on a WEEKEND – and haven’t seen or heard of her. Was she abducted by aliens or something? You didn’t kill her, did you?”

“Just about. Come here, knowing your temper I gotta hold on to you for this bit, just trust me on that. Not in the mood to renew the bruises from the party this fast.”

Jasper sat up and pulled Iris in his lap.

“Storytime. So, once upon a time there was a little prince who always took the little witch pretending to be a princess out every weekend. During one of those ‘dates’, where she wanted to meet downtown, then just ‘look’ – ha, best joke ever – at a few stores, which always ended up with me buying her shit, I handed her all her shopping bags and told her to enjoy all that while looking for a new boyfriend. Figured all that new shit I bought her would soften the blow. Guess not. She still flipped out at me as if I tried to rape her, my ears were ringing for 2 days straight from her screeching. So, I gave her a fiddy to get a cab home and just left. That was the last time I saw her, about 2 weeks ago now. I wouldn’t know if she is dead or alive, and can’t really say I care all that much, to be honest. So, now let’s hear the emancipation speeches and tell me all the ways I am a douche. Unleash on me, Iris the violent.” he shrugged.

“WHAT?! You broke up with Oakley?! Why am I just now hearing about that?! So THAT’s why she wasn’t at the party! OMG – Jasper what the hell!” Iris struggled to break free, but he didn’t let her.

“Yeah, didn’t feel it was front page news that I am a dumbass who fell for the golddigger, even though she didn’t even really put much effort in hiding that fact. Not my proudest moment. Guess I am just not that special. It’s fine, her being clingier than a hungry tick quit being fun months ago and had you told me before I met her that I could actually get tired of having sex instead of real conversations I would have laughed at your face. Well, guess everything is only good in moderation as they say. Oh well, lesson learned, at least she gave good head.”

“OMG – EEW! TMI, Jasper, but why didn’t you tell me!? I would have come here right away, somehow! You don’t need to be alone going through this. You were there for me, even today you sat there listening to my entire ‘fuck Sterling!’ speech, and you said nothing about Oakley! I feel like I totally failed you! Like the worst friend EVER! I am not sure if I wanna hug you or beat you. You need to tell me things, Jas!” Iris’ rant was passionate.

“Well, now you know why I wanted to hold on to you before I told ya. Gonna admit it didn’t exactly go down like honey when I first realized why she likes me, but then again, truth be told, I was never really in love with her either, so guess we both got what we deserve. To recite Jackson’s infinite wisdom of the prairie ways ‘I love you ain’t no pick up line‘. Well, the man had a good point. It sure ain’t. Then again, I can honestly say I never told her the L-word either, and she never once complained, as long as she got something shiny or made out of cashmere, so got that going for my redemption.”

“Please don’t try to sound like Jackson. It’s toe curling when you do it.” Iris giggled.

“You should see me in a cowboy hat sounding like that. Grade A panty-dropper, irresistible to ladies from 9 to 99. Yeah.”

“9? Again, ahem eew.”

“Hmm … true. So would 10-14 be. I got a lot of flaws but perv isn’t one of them. Let’s go with 19 to 99. I heard older women is where it’s at.”

“Jas, plan our grad trip with me. You, me, Bri and Jackson. That’s what I want! That’s perfect. Tell me you love it.”

“Not hatin’ it, but as if that guy would go. Cowboy Jackson will have 99 excuses why he can’t and then do his deep and aloof thinker routine when we try to change his mind. I’d suggest kidnapping him, but learned recently that he’s a much better fighter than me, not to mention significantly stronger, so unless you have a source for tranquilizer darts, I doubt he’d be joining us. But I can and will totally take you and Bri anywhere you like to go. Definitely liking the idea, so let’s put a bookmark in that for tomorrow. Now, let’s sleep. I don’t care if you stay, but keep those feet away from me. This guy is TIRED. Night Iris.” Jasper let go of Iris, then slid back down to sleep, Iris laid down on his arm and it got quiet for a few minutes.

“Jas, you still awake? I was thinking we could go back to Tartosa. Or to Sulani. I love riding jet skis! Haven’t been there in many years and heard it has changed a … hmph.” she was muzzled by Jasper’s hand over her mouth.

“Shhh! Sleep! NOW! Night Iris.” gesturing to be quiet with his finger on his lips, he released her, then laid back down.

“Wait! I remember mom and dad talk about that trip to Selvadorada they took with your dad, before he met your mom! An adventure trip!” Iris sat up again after another few moments of peace.

With an exasperated groan Jasper sat back up too, slid off the bed to grab a bottle of water.

“Here we go again! It just cannot stop talking! Okay, guess we are planning travel now. Why not, 2:36 AM is a perfect time for that. Okay, so Tartosa, Sulani or Selvadorada. Got it. I can give you five minutes of pros and cons to each, but also raise you a Tomarang, since Bri seemed to really like it when Brad took her and I have to admit, I have never been there and it sounded intriguing. So, how about we wait till Bri gets back from her weekend saving a horse while riding a cowboy and see what she thinks.” Jasper slid back onto the bed.

When Iris didn’t respond, he turned his head, realizing she had fallen asleep.

“You gotta be shittin’ me, woman! Night you lil bitch, hope you have wonderful dreams, while I now am wide awake! You really are the death of me. Women! Seriously!”

With another sigh, he tried to get comfortable, grumbling to himself until in her slumber Iris turned, then wrapped her arms around him, snuggling up close with a little content moan before she started snoring ever so softly, making him chuckle. Not ten minutes later, he was asleep as well, snoring a duet with her.

When the girls returned home on Sunday evening, Bri fell backwards onto her bed, daydreaming about dancing with Jackson, chases on horseback and kisses by a river, while Iris hung up several photos of Jasper and herself …

4 thoughts on “Chapter 544) In The Twilight

  1. Poor stinky Stryker! My goodness man. Take some pride! At least he showered after Bri got there. I think Bri and Jackson just might make it. Differences and all. I know it’s early days, but even Stryker was pleased they made it to the bedroom. I loved all their interactions. Jackson was so thrilled she was there.

    Then Iris and Jasper. They are so cute together and get along so very well. 🥰 They make each other happy. She isn’t moody when she’s with Jas. It’s nice to see her having a good time. Wonder if his parents will discover her in bed with him and how they’d react. Eeek.

    Sweet chapter and great pics!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We know that his parents didn’t, the final sentence just has Bri daydream and Iris was hanging up pics of herself and Jas in her room. They got away with it. But a future chapter (not tomorrow!! I need a break! LOL) will give us an idea about how Jas’ parents feel about it all … and Iris’, but in a different context.
      Iris called Bri out in the chapter before this, about being ‘different’ when Jackson is around, which triggered Bri’s change of heart regarding making an attempt, but Iris didn’t even realize she is different when Jas is around too. She did mention in several chapters how she ‘needs some Jas-time’ to regain her faith in humanity and such, so she does know, but doesn’t realize it. Yet?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. We’ll duh! Of course. lol. The picture hanging was a clear indication they did get away with it. When her parents see them, they may begin to suspect. I think Iris totally knows Jasper is good for her but as far as maybe more than besties, well I’m not sure she knows or has let herself go there. Jackson did try to tell Jasper so likely he’s thinking about it but perhaps treading lightly in case she isn’t in the same place or is still in denial as well.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. That’s definitely a factor. What if the person you grew up with from cradle to now DOESN’T feel THAT way? That would just be extremely awkward as they can’t avoid each other, their fathers still in a band together, touring intermittently and both parents on either side best friends. Yikes.

          Liked by 2 people

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