Chapter 552) A Royal Pain

“When you find no solution to a problem, it’s probably not a problem to be solved but rather a truth to be accepted.”

Cromwell Palace

With piqued interest I watched my husband’s former sister-in-law Eugenia Chamberlain, Max’ late brother Leopold’s widow, and her second husband Charles leave as I myself was returning from my daily walk in the palace gardens while the children were with their tutors. While Lord and Lady Chamberlain and their children were on friendly terms with the Cromwells and our allegiances and always invited to all official events, we didn’t exactly socialize with them on the daily. More like … never. The last time was just two weeks ago for our oldest son, Crown Prince William’s 13th birthday. Before that … I would have to reach back far in my memory, probably Jack and Izzy’s wedding hosted at our palace well over a year ago. Eugenia and her daughter Eloise sometimes joined the other aristocratic ladies for tea, suppers or rides, but there were other, more interesting ladies I would talk to. Either way, all this to say we didn’t just drop by each other’s homes.

One, albeit not the only reason for that were things that had transpired many years ago, things which have never and would never be openly discussed but rather would remain buried deep in the minds of all who knew for all eternity, as has been customary in any aristocratic family ever since higher social ranks first evolved millennia ago. Everyone with a noble or royal title has skeletons in their closets. Every. Single. Family.
Eugenia knew that her late first husband’s early demise was immediately related to what he had done to me, rumor had it she herself had quietly and secretly endured years of hair-raising things done to her at his cruel hand, unmentionable things, sprung from a undoubtedly deeply disturbed mind. I felt this was a rumor confirmed when she herself had once told me during a weak moment of compassion and truthfulness that she used to always fear for the wellbeing of their then still young daughter Eloise. What she feared was her late husband, my gentle, kind and courteous husband’s younger brother.
Unlike her, I didn’t endure Leopold’s rape, I reacted – immediately. Overreacted maybe, cos my husband underreacted, at that point still too brainwashed by the old rules, and he has since realized his mistakes, but even back then I took action. Whether the way I went about it then was right or wrong is debatable, but nonetheless I didn’t sit there and did nothing.

And while officially, poor Leopold had succumbed to a tragic household accident, she was the one who found him, leaving no doubt it was everything BUT an accident, she knew it had been a vampire relation of mine who really made sure Leopold would never have a chance to do heinous things again, and she also knew that Max knew and covered it up, for he was – and still is – disgusted by his deranged brother’s behavior, but mostly to protect me and said vampires I was related to, especially Caelan, whose solo mission obviously hadn’t been sanctioned by Caleb Vatore, who also obviously had found out about it, but since Max kept it quiet, so did he.
Vampires were another hot topic throughout all society in any country, and had been ever since their existence had been made public several lifetimes ago now, but that didn’t mean acceptance by the masses, and there were some who still preferred blissful ignorance and denial, you know, the old ‘what shouldn’t be, simply couldn’t be‘ mindset.
Luckily did the vampire leader, Caleb Vatore, have a sound mind and reigned with strong hand over his fanged subjects, so it was exceedingly rare that news got out about any mortals injured or worse by any vampires. Obviously, I had a vested interest, while I was born and still am very much mortal, I am closely related to some born with fangs and know they all have to undergo long and extensive training to learn how to control their urges, it pays off. You will never find any mortal in better control of themselves as any regular vampire. If they can bide the sunlight, so=called ‘daywalkers’, they were trained to not succumb to any urges. Admirable, really. Imaging us mortals having that mental control while on a diet or a workout regimen?
So, at best, things were awkward between Lady Chamberlain, her family and ours, and we only socialized when there were crowds. Aside from that, she and her entire family were a bunch of horribly boring snoozeballs in my humble opinion, my feet went to sleep just thinking about having to make conversation with any of them, including her two young sons with the second husband. OOOOF!

Curiosity got the best of me, so I went inside to get to the bottom of their visit. There HAD TO be a reason.

Max wasn’t in his usual default location when not with the children or me, which would be his study, after some searching on my own, I was tired of the Easter egg hunt, this palace is a LOT of ground to cover, especially in heels, so asked one of the security detail guys, who pointed me to the palace library. They ALWAYS knew where everyone was at. They were part of my Aunt Fallon and Uncle ‘Bear’s security firm and the best in this field.

“Max, darling, I saw Lord and Lady Chamberlain leave. What did they want from you?” I inquired as I found him in one of the book-lined rows, placing some heavy tome back on the shelf.

Max smiled as he turned to me, and that boyish smile still did something to me. Despite of his meanwhile 38 years and that beard he had grown, lined with more and more silver strands, which didn’t really age him, merely made him look even more distinguished, that certain mischievous smile made him look like the boy I once met in college all those years ago. I am 35 now, so college was a long time past. Our oldest son, William, just celebrated his 13th birthday, a landmark for a Crown Prince, as many things would change for him now. His sister, and quasi automatic lifelong BFF by birth and choice, Victoria would soon follow into teenhood, they were born less than 1 year apart, but first my baby Vivienne would celebrate her 6th birthday way too soon now, just a couple months away, ironically around the same time Jack’s wife was going to give birth, hopefully not the same day, it would break Viv’s heart if her daddy would have to miss her party for the first time ever.
Jack was 46 now, some would call that old to become a dad, I think he did it right. His first child where he would be fully part of the entire childhood from conception on. He missed it all with Jackson, was only a small part of Vivienne’s development until she had already been born, but this baby, a boy they would name Cody, would be his first real baby experience.
I never wanted to become a mother at 22, blame Max’ overzealous late parents for us having children so young, when we were practically still children ourselves, ink on our college graduation diplomas still fresh. Max’ parents were nice people, but bound by some very outdated ways of thinking, which created many conflicts with my very modern upbringing. There is a larger gap between our two oldest and the next youngest, 6 years to be exact between Victoria and Vivienne, just like between my brother Nick and me. Yeah, Nicky just recently had his 41st birthday, if you can you believe it, but he doesn’t look it and he makes sure of it.
The baby of our family, my little Veronica, is 3 years younger than Vivienne. And while I regret nothing, our family planning is now complete, so much is certain.

“Maybe they just dropped by for a friendly visit. We are, after all, sort of related.” he smiled, clearly making me work for it.

“Sort of, but not really. Seriously Max, what? Spill!” I was running out of patience.

“Same as everyone else always wants, my queen.” he threw me a few more breadcrumbs that lead me nowhere. So, I changed my approach.

“She better not want from you what I usually want from you behind closed doors! Especially not with her husband watching.” I grinned, wrapping my arms around Max’ neck to kiss him. Hmm, he always smelled good and felt even better as he kissed me back and affectionately stroked a strand of hair from my temple.

“No, my liege, rest assured that particular thing nobody ever petitions me for. It would be instantly denied if anyone dared anyway, as it is eternally reserved for you exclusively. Just as it always has been, even in our darkest hours have I not strayed.” Max smiled disarmingly. No, he hadn’t, but I had, resulting in a daughter with Jack. I’ll dismount my high and mighty horse then.

“Well, we know that not to be true. Off the top of my head I can easily think of ONE person at least who does want THAT from you too. Hint: person in question has a blinding shade of what I assume is supposed to be blonde hair, an icy glare, pale like a castle ghost … and married to your best friend, whom you pimped her to. I still wonder how badly Lord John must have pissed you off to do that to him. If that is you as a friend, Lord have mercy on your enemies, my darling.” I said.

Max laughed.

“I am flattered by your jealousy, misplaced as it may be. I believe Lady Charlene to be wishlessly happy in her marriage to Lord John, and he is absolutely pleased with my matchmaking skills, between you and me, if I may be so bold as to say that if any of the rumors from his younger days hold true, she should have no complaints as far as the pleasures of the flesh go either. But this should prove my point as much as it may fuel your fire, Charlene and John are expecting again. Happy news, n’est-ce pas?” Max smirked at my disgusted facial expression.

“Holy shit, shockingly enough that someone screwed that ice princess once, but several times? How does he keep his thing from falling off with freezer burn?! I want to buy him one of those bumper stickers that read ‘OMG – Stay off of her!” I ranted, amusing Max greatly, even though he usually despised gutter talk and jealous behavior.

“My dove, such unkind words from such beautiful lips. And I cannot claim I ever cared enough to ask, nor will I ever. In this very case, I actually prefer blissful ignorance. I will say, however, that during our break, while I was entertaining Lady Charlene, I never found it particularly difficult to remain platonic. As a matter of fact, I never found it challenging to remain proper with any lady I ever entertained, except you, my bearcat. Remaining proper around you is a futile fight for me, daily, one I never minded losing.” Max flirted with me, as he now winked, making me smile.

“Oh, but your Majesty, I do declare, would you be flirting with me? You are so cute when you break with your prim and proper ways and say human things sometimes. You are also entitled to dislike people, Max. As a man and a king, history is filled with books describing how much some kings disliked certain people and which gruesome ways they chose to get them out of their lives. Just for honesty’s sake: if you thought what I said out loud was bad, be glad you can’t read my mind. You’d be scarred for life.” I grinned at him.

“Oh, I would be a fool to not flirt with you, you stunning proof of divine perfection. And I believe I have a good idea about your thoughts at any given moment, as you do not possess a good poker face, queen of my heart. To finally satisfy your curiosity; Eugenia and Charles want me to help them find a good match for my niece, Eloise Cromwell, as it is my duty. The fact that you and I do not hold her late father, my dearly departed younger brother Leopold, in high regard must not be the poor innocent child’s worry, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Oh boy. Matchmaking? Seriously? Again? For a teen? Let her be 18 first! You already pimped your bestie Lord John out to the icy blonde dragon Charlene and Jack to Izzy. Isn’t that enough? You really have better things to do than be Tinder and E-Harmony for your royal subjects.”

“One might get the faint notion that you do not like Lady Charlene, my queen.” Max grinned mischievously.

“Oh, might one? Well, let me take the suspense out of my words then: I hate that bitch Charlene with glowing passion, there, I said it, nothing subtle about it. So, whom are you thinking about pimping Lady Eugenia’s loin fruit to?” I asked.

“How perfect that you should ask, my sugar plum, for I would like to recruit your help with it. I am thinking young Lord Jake might be perfect for Lady Eloise, plus, if a successful courtship were to follow, resulting in a marriage in years hence, Jake would be elevated even further into noble rankings. Lord Chamberlain’s family hails from one of the oldest lineages of aristocracy. And clearly, he would be directly linked to the Cromwells on Lady Eloise’s father’s side, she still bears our last name, any children resulting from that union would become part of the Cromwell family tree, not to mention they would have rights to be included in the royal succession line if one day our line might no longer be able to assume those duties. Since my sister married into another royal family, she and her offspring have been removed for that succession.” Max rambled on with this stuff I had no mind for.

“JAKE?! My nephew!? My best friend’s son? Bianca and Gavin would literally KILL me if I got involved in that nonsense, plus he’s away at college. No offense, but Lady Eugenia is a sleeping pill and her daughter Eloise by your late brother is Lady Valium! Jake is already so quiet and withdrawn, if we got him together with another quiet type, they would bore themselves and each other to tears, as well as everyone around them. Poor Jake! Plus, I am pretty sure he already likes, Lady DeMercier, who is VERY pretty, so good luck trying to sell her on Eloise, that pale horseface. No offense, Max. Obviously and clearly she has her looks and boring ways from her mother’s side of the family, but still.”

“My liege, I would like you to set aside your personal feelings about this and do it anyway. I am not suggesting we have them married before the year is out, just nudge them towards each other. They might just like each other, and … oh dear!”

Max didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, as we both jumped, startled. Max’s smile vanished when the door burst open and Jack stumbled inside, followed by countless security and palace guards, he managed to shove all but two back into the hallway and slammed the door in their faces, leaning against it from the inside to prevent it from being opened, while still fighting two guards off, which he acquitted with loud yelling and shoving, giving them a run for their money.

Let me interject that all palace staff knew Jack was a friend of the royal family, which was the one and only reason he even made it this far, it would have been impossible for anyone else, they also knew he shouldn’t be manhandled too much or he’d be lying unconscious on the ground already, but Jack was strong as a bear and hard to calm down, let along contain, once angry. I had firsthand knowledge of that.

Max spoke up.

“Gentlemen, please, kindly release Mr. Kershaw at once and let him pass! I am sure I am well capable to handle his apparent complaint myself, and he is just a little excited in his rugged and flamboyant ways. Leave us, please!” Max’ voice was firm and demanding, fit for a king.

Dismissed by the king himself the security people immediately let Jack go and left, no questions, no hesitations, while I turned to Jack, laying into him the minute the door had been shut.

“What the hell is wrong with you, bursting in here like all that?! This isn’t some saloon back where you came from! Are you insane, cowboy?! Or just drunk?!” I shouted at him.

“Ask yer other half! I am as sober as they come but I think yer husband been finding answers at the bottoms of some strong booze of late and you too, AG! So, ya really gon’ go for it, huh? Well, ain’t gonna work! Just ain’t!” he yelled at Max, but it was me who answered.

“JACK! Knock it off! You could go to jail for what you have done so far! You are lucky we are patient with you, but can you PLEASE tell me what the hell is with you today!?” I demanded from this meanwhile 46-year-old overgrown toddler I once dated.

“That asshole over there is trying to take my daughter from me!” he yelled at me, before I had a chance to bite his head off for calling my beloved husband a derogatory term the door was opened again, and the head steward poked his head in, instantly dismissed by Max.

Please understand that it would have been well within reason and within Max’ good right to have Jack arrested at that point. Nobody, absolutely NOBODY was allowed to act like that at the palace, the offense was even more severe the closer it happened near a member of the royal family, especially the king. Someone else would never have made it this far, Jack was treated with a lot of leniencies as he, like I said, was known to be a close allegiance of the royal family. It showed great patience and restraint for Max to just deal with him as he did. Not to mention the restraint it took me to not just kick him in the groin! I was still weighing off that option when Max spoke up, calmly.

“Jack, I assure you nothing is further from the truth. But Vivienne is getting older, she will need to attend preschool education soon and with increasing age comes the increasing risk that we would be found out. I cannot lie about her heritage if anyone challenges it, so far nobody had reason to question it.” Max explained.

“Oh, so we’re embarrassed some redneck is the baby daddy?! I knew it! I am the stain on your royal vests and here you are tryin’ to drown me in bleach hoping to get rid of me. But biology and science don’t lie. We tested enough now to know, and one look at ‘er and even a blind fellow can tell she is my daughter, she looks like me, with her momma’s eyes, so this time it’s for real. I made that beautiful angel, ME, I did, and she is MINE. I love my daughter and I won’t just go away because I am too inconvenient for you!” Jack yelled at poor Max, who remained stoically patient.

“Jack, please calm down, maybe have a seat and maybe even a drink.”

“I don’t want no drink, don’t wanna sit. You ain’t the father – I AM!” Jack ranted.

“Oh, shut up already! Max is Viv’s father too! Whether you like that or not.” I meddled in.

“Says who?” Jack snapped at me.

“ME! I say that, as Vivienne’s MOTHER! And change your demeanor around my husband or I will remind you that you are not the only one in this room with more fire than brains!” I snarled back at him so close to his face, I swear any onlookers aside from Max would have thought I’d bite Jack’s nose off.

“Please, Aria-Grace and Jack, I beg of you both to lower your voices, shouting will not change facts, only summon the staff again and again. Jack, I sent you the documents for review, as my accompanying letter clearly stated. Nothing has been filed yet, nor will it, unless you want it to. I wanted you to read over everything so we can discuss, rather than you cut me off and walk away the minute I try to bring up this matter as you have done several times now.” Max explained.

“Max, what exactly did you send to Jack? What did you do?!” I wondered, even though I could guess.

“Dontcha pretend ya didn’t know!” Jack now directed his anger at me.

Undeserved, mind you, cos I really had no clue what this was about except for what we all could puzzle together at this point, so his attitude did nothing but piss me off, my eyes narrowed.

“Don’t need to pretend, you Neanderthal! I didn’t know!” I hissed back at him, while painting colorful hypothetical scenes in my head of banging these two men’s heads together for peacocking over something without fully elaborating what it was all about, but then I felt bad for thinking that as I love Max too much to hurt him and still cared about that ruffian Jack too much to want to hurt him either. Now I kinda wanted to hug both. Right after I kicked Jack and Max in their respective asses! Men! They really made you crazy.

“Jack, she is telling the truth, she didn’t know. This is my doing and mine alone, and I apologize for sidelining you both, it wasn’t my intend. As my note accompanying the documents stated, I thought having a talk about it man to man first after you had time to peruse the documents in peace would avoid a scene like we have here now. Clearly not, here you are, upset anyway, so please relax and let us calmly discuss. Nothing is set in stone, it is a suggestion at this point, that is all.” Max pointed at a chair, but Jack wanted nothing to do with it.

“Ain’t nothin’ to discuss! Not happenin’ – THE END!” he roared.

“Jack, please do hear me out. I am not, and I repeat, NOT, trying to take your daughter away from you, I would NEVER dream of it, but the only loophole I can find, and that means I had the best attorneys look into it prior to my son’s 13th birthday party last week, including, but not limited to Aria-Grace’s father and brother, and it is the only way to avoid a lot, though not all, heartbreaking drama about her heritage versus that of her siblings for Vivienne in future. Look, right now, nobody cares. Once Vivienne starts school, we have to disclose her heritage, the birth certificate has your name on it, not mine. To quote Franklin “Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.”. I don’t know how it will get out, but it will eventually get out, just a matter of time. The older the kids get, the bigger the divide will be. I may be the king, and wield a lot of powers, I also can bestow titles, but there still is a limit to all that for very obvious reasons. I cannot proclaim illegitimate members of any royal family into the succession line, especially not my own. And even as the king I cannot proclaim Vivienne my own flesh and blood with rights to any titles. I could make her a Duchess, maybe, but not a princess. I cannot change that for her, without risking all of us facing severest consequences. Even a king has limitations and is bound by certain rules.” Max explained honestly and sincerely.

Jack stared at Max, who held his gaze, until Jack inhaled.

“An adoption would change all that?”

“Unfortunately, there is nothing anyone could do that can truly shield her from anything that is bound to happen sooner or later. Legally, she is the child of two commoners, and bears no royal blood, therefore the only way she could be a princess is by marrying other royalty one day. All an adoption would change is that her official father would be the king, which may open doors more easily for her in the future, it would certainly help her one day when she is a debutant in the aristocracy, as more young gentlemen would be inclined to marry the daughter of a king, even if adopted, and she would be fully entitled to inherit her fair share after my death, sorry Max, macabre, but a fact. Nothing else changes.” Max didn’t sugarcoat it.

Jack huffed, then turned to me.

“Well, AG, what do YOU think I should do here?” Jack asked.

This was one of those ‘oh no, he didn’t!’ moments. I know I SHOULD side with my husband, as it was obvious he was doing it for Vivienne’s sake, not to sucker-punch Jack for the heck of it, but Max had been so honest and I didn’t want to lie now. Max jumped in, saving me from my inner conundrum.

“Might I answer in Aria-Grace’s stead?”

“Sure, yer Majesty, would you sign docs like that?” Jack asked.

“No, I most certainly would not. Roles reversed, nothing could move me to sign those papers, I realize now that what I asked of you was too great a price for too little reward. My apologies, Jack, while I strive to be kind and just, I am but a flawed human. While filling out the enrollment for her school for the end of this year I felt myself presented with a problem, by having to submit her birth certificate, knowing that the moment these documents are shared with anyone outside our inner circle, the information can and will get into the wrong hands and be made public by someone looking for a scandal, I would be forced to release a public statement explaining the situation. I felt that an adoption might ward off some of the impending nonsense, but now realize I should not have asked this of you, my most sincere apologies again, Jack. Please, dispose of the documents at your leisure.”

Jack smiled at me, then looked back at Max.

“Guess that’s settled. Thanks for being honest, Yer Majesty. You are A-Okay in my book. You too, AG. All forgotten. Needed me some good kindling for the fireplace anyway, and now you sent me a whole stack of it on the finest paper, thanks, Yer Majesty.” Jack obviously felt like getting one in, as he wrapped his arm around Max and drew him closer with his bear strength.

Another deep offense at court, that could land him in prison for a long time if anyone saw or if Max wasn’t such a good sport. Clearly, he felt bad about having asked and Jack basked in his perceived victory. And kind of comical to see as long as you knew Jack wasn’t hurting Max.

Removing himself courteously from Jack’s ’embrace’, Max did turn to him.

“Jack, please do call me Max when we are among ourselves. I insist on it and am rather fond of the nickname, considering nobody ever addressed me that way until Aria-Grace did when she came into my life all those years ago. While that is generally reserved for family, you are, after all, family, Jack. At least in my book.”

Smiling, I watched the two men hug briefly while I reveled at how differently this issue could have ended.

Seeing Jack out with Max, the two men talking about horses and the weather as if nothing ever happened, I thought about the fact that while it may seem that Vivienne is at a disadvantage among the upper circles and her siblings, even though she has never been treated differently by any of us, but would be treated differently by society in future, no way around it, in reality she may well be the luckiest of them all, to have not one, but two amazing fathers who care so much about her, who always had and always would treat her like a princess no matter what the rest of society would do.

1 thought on “Chapter 552) A Royal Pain

  1. Man, that turned out entirely differently than it could have. Max trying to circumvent a fight almost backfired. He most definitely should have addressed this with AG before sending the papers. He is lucky she loves him so much and Jack likes him. And he backed down VERY quickly – thank goodness. I do hope that in the future this actually becomes an advantage for Vivienne instead of the perceived disadvantages that Max brought up. Maybe she’ll be freer to do what she wants than what’s expected of her.

    Liked by 1 person

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