Chapter 543) The Plot Thickens

Brindleton Bay
The Elysium

Bursting into the front door at home, startling her parents and Bri, Iris looked frazzled, was out of breath, clearly had been crying, while she proclaimed

“I hate him! All of them! If he shows up here, SHOOT him on sight!” Iris turned and ran up the stairs, slamming her room door shut.

“Oh boy … here we go again, Patches. Not sure whom we are supposed to shoot, but I am feeling the urge to go shoot myself.” Chase said.

“Boy, do I have bad news for you about immortality then. If any of the next words out of your mouth include my name and anything about going to talk to her because I am her mother, I will play ping pong with your nuts, Gump! I am not doing it! Not this time. Not touching that angry creature with a ten-foot pole. Not without an exorcist. Maybe two. You want to parent that, YOU go. I will miss you, but probably remarry eventually. Not made to be alone.” Hailey replied dryly.

“I’ll go.” Bri said and ran up the stairs.

“Oh well, remember Patches, when we had twins? Bri will be sorely missed.” Chase sighed.

“I rather remember a time without kids, those were the days. Look at the bright side: college will be cheaper for us with just one daughter.” Hailey grinned.

“Seriously now, should we check on them? Like patrol the hallway, listening for terrified screams and rescue Bri if necessary? And maybe find out what upset Iris so much. She’s the kid who never cries, except, she cried today.” Chase wondered.

“Have you met Bri, baby? She’s fine. I can already tell you what Iris’ meltdown is about. Her first broken heart. Something happened at that dinner with the Covingtons, I am going to guess our sweet darling Jasper came up as a topic, I am sure Sterling did the opposite of sing his praises, and we know Iris wouldn’t just sit there and let it go, so I only pray the Covingtons are alive and well, not tied up in neat bunches in their basement, sliced and diced, or something. THAT is what I see happening here. Frankly, while I would never say this to our daughter, I am not gonna cry a single tear after Sterling. Cute enough as a first boyfriend, but that kid isn’t someone I want to see regularly at the family dinner table. Not now, and not in ten years down the road. So there, I said it and I don’t feel one bit bad.” Hailey shrugged.

Meanwhile upstairs ...

Bri had finally managed to get Iris to let her into her room, where she didn’t have to be asked twice to share the reason for her anger with her sister.

“He’s such a dick! I can’t believe I dated that twat for 2 years!” Iris grumbled.

“Yeah, I know that feeling.” Bri admitted.

“He and his parents sat there planning our grad trip, without even considering my input, only for Sterling, that ass, to tell me I can’t have you and Jasper along. Seriously?! If he thought that would fly with me, he really doesn’t know me AT ALL!” Iris was fuming.

“Oh, I know that feeling too! I was disqualified from the relationship by my ex’s dad when it turned out I was broken. No babies, no Bri, as decided by Brad’s dad, over our heads. I tried to fight it, only to realize Brad would NEVER EVER be able to come out from under his dad, even though admittedly he did make some attempts, but Cunningham has a stronghold on him, and always will, and I can’t do that drama anymore! He hasn’t even tried to speak to me at school, just waves and smiles at me from a distance, so I KNOW his daddy forbade him to interact with me and the fact he is already 18 and still abides by that, makes me sick. I feel sorry for any girl after me, not to mention his future wife, whomever that may be. Brad’s a real sweetheart, a really good guy, but nothing is worth dealing with his father long-term!” Briar Rose let out a frustrated sigh.

“Ironically, you got disqualified for your fertility issues, and Sterling almost dumped me when I had the opposite problem. Not sure which is worse, being left holding the bag because you CAN’T get pregnant or because you CAN.” Iris sighed deep.

“Excuse me?!”

“Yeah. Those were fun times. What the hell, might as well tell you now. Evidently, I can get pregnant, and will, instantly at that, as proven by that ONE single lone time the mood struck, I have never stopped taking the pill, but he forgot the condom, we thought WTH – and BOOM, it happened – and he completely freaked out. I seem to have inherited the legendary Cameron fertility, I missed my period, took six tests, all positive. Went to a doc in the box and he confirmed it. Sterling said he wasn’t ready to be a father, so without telling me he made me an appointment and dropped me off at the clinic, then just left, said it would look bad if anyone saw him there and it wasn’t like he could do anything to help there anyway. I freaked out, didn’t know what to do anymore, I couldn’t call mom and dad, just couldn’t bring myself to disappoint our parents or Connor, not after they have been in our ears about protection all the time, so I called Jasper. He made up some BS and had Aunt Fallon come get me and take me to him, since she doesn’t give two shits about all that drama and doesn’t gossip. I was a mess, inconsolable, then started cramping and bleeding all over his bed, so Jas took me to the ER and well … the problem had solved itself. The pregnancy had turned unviable and terminated itself. Maybe from all the stress, but the doc said that happens a lot early on, which is why they advise to not start announcing pregnancies until much later. So, when I needed him the most, Sterling wasn’t there, but Jas was. Sterling did come to me on his hands and knees apologizing, saying he was just in shock and would have totally been there and all, and honestly, I was in total shock too, you KNOW I do not want a kid under ANY circumstances, not for another 10 years or so, so I forgave him. Then the party disaster and now Sterling says I can’t take him with me on the grad trip, a milestone in our lives? NO WAY! I am so done with him now! If I ever trust men again in my life and am insane enough to even go as far as marry one, Jas will be walking me down that aisle with dad, one on each side or it won’t happen! THAT is how much I am gonna have Jas in my life and any man who tells me I can’t, is not the man for me.”

“Agreed on all counts, but excuse me, have we met? I am Briar Rose, we used to share a womb!? Was I in some coma I forgot about when all that went down?! How do I not know about all this? I get mom, dad and Connor, but leaving me out? Are you serious?!” Bri was genuinely shocked.

“Tell you what? And why? We handled it and there was nothing you could have done that Jasper wasn’t already doing. We didn’t tell you because of your ovary thing. Babies are such a sore subject with you and all, and I was already hurting, no reason to drag you down with me, so I swore Jasper to secrecy, and he understood and agreed. I am over it, I lucked out, but now you know why I was such a bitch for a while. Well, more than usual, I guess. Anyway, I felt that if anyone gets to kill Sterling, it should be me. I wasn’t sure I could trust you not to off him. It’s fine, I am over it, not like I wanted a kid. Most DEFINITELY not. No way. And most DEFINITELY not with Sterling! Ugh!” Iris ranted.

“Got that right, I’d have butchered Sterling! Still might. That is two strikes now. Please tell me you dumped him! If the answer is no, I am gonna need an alibi for the rest of the night cos he will not live to see another day!” Bri snarled, grimacing.

“I think the breakup was strongly implied. I left the Covington dinner table in a kind of Bri-esque way, I mean it was camera-worthy. If he didn’t read that correctly, I’d be happy to follow up with a swift kick in his groin to be clearer. Still might, just for the hell of it.” Iris said.

“So that’s why Jasper poked Sterling till he flipped at the party. I couldn’t make sense of it, I mean, he always had a big mouth, and always loved to push buttons, but never anything like that. I thought he might be drunk, that’s why I smooched him, but I didn’t smell any booze. He was sober and did that on purpose, so Sterling would give him a reason to beat his ass without having to explain why … WOW. That is next level crazy.”

“Guess so. And I think it was kinda Jackson beating Sterling’s ass, since Jas’ confidence promised a beating his fists couldn’t deliver, but either way, works for me. We sure know how to pick ’em, huh Bri.” Iris let out a deep sigh.

“Preach sister. So, let’s chill, let’s go downstairs and tell mom and dad you and Sterling had a fight over the grad trip and you put him out to pasture for good.”

“Speaking of pasture, what’s going on there? Jackson and you? Now that Brad’s out of the picture, I figured by now Jackson would be your new man. I mean, you sat together at the party, but didn’t even hold hands, let alone kiss. What’s with the blockage?”

“There is no Jackson and me. Remember, I am the twin who was already over relationships long before you and is gonna focus on herself now. Join the club, we like to focus on our future, not men or their obsessive, controlling parents.” Bri made a dismissive sound.

“Focus on yourself? What kinda shit is that now? When were you ever NOT focused on yourself? I guess I blinked and missed that.” Iris smirked.

“Thanks bitch. I wasn’t able to focus on me for example whenever I was bending over backwards to accommodate Brad and his dad and all their warped crap and everyone else … including Jackson. No more, I am done. Not doing it. No more.”

“Okay, I get the Brad and his dad part, but the bending you did for Jackson was definitely something different. The boom chicka-bow-wow kind.”

“Seriously?! We’re going THERE? Coming from my sister who got caught bending in that way with Sterling under some bleachers at school!? Umm – EEEW!”

“Yeah, that was a Hail Mary because he is boring as hell. I thought we could spice things up. Guess that failed, cos nothing changed. Nothing at all. He likes to act tough, the big bad boy with the shaggy hair, leather jacket and the devil may care attitude, but there is nothing to back that up, especially in the sack. It literally feels like the first time EVERY time … and not in a good way. I am too Cameron for that to ever be enough! I read every damn magazine column on the topic of spicing up nookie, made me feel like a perv, I even took notes, which I pray to God mom and dad will NEVER find, and it’s been nothing but lipstick on a pig, except he now constantly wanted me to do certain things I tested on him to get him in gear, which I get nothing out of, thinking it would trigger him to up the ante for me. Backfired badly. Cherry on top was me getting knocked up from that lame shit, fate really is an asshole sometimes. Luckily that bullet was dodged. But Jackson doesn’t make you do anything. He’s uber-chill and the way you act when he’s around tells me you know that too. He frigging beat the shit out of two guys just because you asked him to. I mean, if his looks do not get you hot and bothered, that should.” Iris said.

“Sorry, I am hung up on imagining you writing down sex positions, maybe with a few sketches to better visualize it, and then all that ending up in some homework you submit for class. I would literally DIE laughing if that happened. Hahahaha. As for Jackson, and as idyllic as your idea of him being some knight I could send into battle to save Jasper is, that’s not what happened. He was already tense AF when that fight started, already groomed for battle, when I asked him to help Jasper. Jackson chose to do that. I can’t MAKE him do ANYthing. What do you mean, the way I act? I am the same old Bri, no matter who and what. I don’t act.”

“No Bri. You are definitely different with Jackson. I don’t know why you are so much in denial, but putting yourself in dating timeout isn’t the way. You and I are not the type to be single for long. Fixes nothing, just frustrates you and Jackson may take it as rejection and move on. I mean, he’s got options. Have you looked at him of late? You don’t need to own horses and a pickup truck to want to tap that!” Iris said.

“Sure Iris, can’t lose out on Jackson. Broke up with Brad, who lives like 3 minutes from here, now let me jump in and date a guy at the other side of the country, cos that makes perfect sense, oh, and he looks good shirtless?! Fuck it, let me just drop out of high school and go live with him and Stryker in a tiny cabin. Brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that? Oh right, because it is INSANE!”

“Do I stutter? Did I say go live with him!? I said dating! Just see how it feels, just being around him, no labels, no expectations, just be and go with the flow. You wouldn’t be the first long-distance couple, or the last. Mom and dad did that for many years. And spoiler alert, they figured out how to make it work. Oh, and then there’s grandma and grandpa. She hated Del Sol Valley when they met. Remind me, where do they live? She doesn’t seem unhappy, every time we see her she’s all smiles, at least when not yelling at grandpa, but I think that’s all just part of it for them. Relationships don’t always have to make perfect sense to work. Somehow, love will find a way. Just allow yourself to feel all the feels and see where that leaves you.”

“I already know how it feels. That’s the problem. When I am with him, everything just makes sense and seems easy. But when he’s not there, NOTHING is easy. Nothing makes sense. I literally totally zoned out at Castello Vatore daydreaming about him. I mean, WHAT?! If great-grandpa could read minds, I’d STILL be standing there getting lectured to infinity and beyond from when it happened days ago! He only went easy on me cos he thought I was in my head shitting my pants about the decision to be a vamp or not, while I couldn’t be bothered with that, cos I was riding in cars with boys!?” Bri ranted.

“Aww … I knew it. Bri and Jackson sitting in a tree … K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Sooooo busted!” teased Iris.

“Shut up!”

“Just admit it already! You are in love with that boy. OMG, yes you SO are. Like full on hardcore into him!” Iris giggled.

“No, I am not. I like him. And he’s fun. He makes me crazy. That’s all. This isn’t a rom-com movie that always ends with the girl getting the boy after kissing the toad. I get to choose from a bunch of toads that turn into nothing but busted dreams and heartache. I like Jackson. Like. As in … like him. A lot. But just like. A lot.”

“Yeah, wanna go over to your room and look at the walls and count the ways you ‘like’ Jackson? See how many pics of boys I have up? Will be a very quick count. And that was pre the post-Sterling era. And none of my photos are faded in strategic places from me smooching around on them.” Iris stated the facts.

“I don’t kiss pictures! They just fade from the … sunlight.”

“Yeah, sure. We need to get you better printer ink. And thicker curtains. Totally.”

“Okay, fine, Iris, but HOW? Like seriously? How am I supposed to figure out how I really feel about him, and he about me? Maybe it’s real, or maybe it’s just some obsession, because we have never been able to really spend much quality time together, you know the grass looking greener over there, until you actually get there and realize it is just the same damn grass you already had and hated? How am I to know?! Plus, I am not even 18 yet. How am I gonna just go see him now to try and figure it out? Hey mom, dad, can you drop me off at Jackson’s ranch for a weekend with him, cos I think he might be boyfriend material, so I just wanna go check that out, cos why not, right? I admit, our parents are pretty cool, but not THAT cool.”

“OMG, do I look like the oracle of Alexandria to you?! I don’t have all the answers either! All I know is that NOT doing ANYTHING is only gonna get you nothing and nowhere. You managed to sneak out to see him before, so do THAT again. The way you have been. We’ll call Jas, make up some concert we just HAVE to see – insert plenty of teen girl drama here – and voila. If you didn’t go all Joan of Arc on great-grandpa, we might be able to port ourselves over to Jas’ by now, hanging with him is always awesome, cos that boy is crazy in the best way, so I get some much needed time with Jasper to restore my faith in humanity and you can take his car and fuck off to drool over Jackson, live and in full color. Win:win.” Iris giggled.

“Even if we both would have chosen to get turned, that alone would have taken a week, learning to port takes YEARS. And cool plan sis, except putting that kinda thinking into action is what keeps getting me grounded. I didn’t want to celebrate my 18th birthday in my room and take the grad trip to the outer edge of our backyard. Been doing that too much, it gets old.”

“Well, you corrupted me. So, we get grounded. I am here for it. Not like I have a boyfriend to have plans with anymore, I can sit at home and bug the shit out of our parents till they regret all their life decisions and let me off the hook. I am not as nice as you. If I am in hell, so will they be. My resting bitch face is LEGEND. Plus, I generally hate people, few exceptions, that helps.”

“How are we even supposed to tell the difference between Iris, the everyday bitch and Iris, the intentional bitch?” giggled Bri, making Iris grin while punching her into the arm.

“Oh, you would know. So will they. Remember last time I got grounded? Yeah, they gave up on it long before my week was over. THAT is how to be a rebel. Watch and learn.”

“Problem: I don’t have Jackson’s number to let him know I wanna come see him. Brad deleted it back in Tartosa and I never get the chance to get it again. Connor has it. Any ideas how to get his phone? I can’t just show up at Jackson’s place. Plus, Stryker’s there. Don’t wanna give that man a heart attack.”

“Why do you need to announce yourself, not like Jackson’s got all those places to be? Worst case scenario is you’d walk in on him feeding a horse or something. But fine, we could ask Connor to take us to Jasper’s … and then just oopsie, accidentally snatch the phone from his pocket then later say we found it on the floor or whatever.” Iris shrugged.

“I am not gonna fondle our brother’s pockets! Eeew! Have you seen how tight his jeans are? He’d know immediately and I wouldn’t know how to explain my way out of THAT!” Bri pulled faces at the thought.

“Love requires sacrifice. And sometimes, humiliation.” Iris nodded at her own words.

“You sacrifice then.” Bri grimaced.

“Fine, chicken, I will fondle Connor for a good cause. I have no shame left.” Iris grinned.

“This spells disaster already! I am so in!” Bri laughed.

They were still laughing hard when they came down the stairs, confusing their parents with the unexpected good mood.

Author's Note:
No, I didn't put a trigger warning up, as I already have a detailed one on my website landing page and didn't feel it necessary here, since what is described is something that happens to many sexually active women, most just will never know (look it up). All the TW would have done would be ruin the surprise moment any author wants or deter some readers as I couldn't say WHAT trigger without ruining the plot.

2 thoughts on “Chapter 543) The Plot Thickens

  1. The exchange between Hailey and Chase was great! So funny. But I absolutely loved the conversation between Iris and Bri. Poor Iris. No wonder she was miserable. She was miserable long before the disastrous dinner. Glad she dumped Sterling. She needs to realize now how she really feels about Jasper. But being friends first is a huge plus. I love they are now in cahoots to go see Jackson … and Jasper. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am so glad you loved it, cos I do too, one of my favorite chapters, but the next one is even more so my favorite.
      I feel like as the twins – well, actually the four of them – get older, we see their individual personalities develop more and more, and we know the reasons why as we have seen them grow up now, even Jackson.

      Liked by 2 people

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